Licorice Benefits and Dosage

The licorice plant is a legume that is native to southern Europe and parts of Asia. Glycyrrhizin, one of the important components in licorice root, is 50 times sweeter than sugar and gives licorice its special taste. Also, licorice root components contain aglycone glycyrrhizic acid, polysaccharides, different polyphenols, coumarin derivatives and steroids. Licorice supplement are generally standardized to their content of glycyrrhizin. Glycyrrhizin is the active agent in licorice root that combats illnesses suchlike as upper respiratory infections, and is said to lessen the symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL)

When taken in high amounts licorice (glycyrrhizin) produces effects parallel to those of the  hormone aldosterone, causing fluid retention, increased blood pressure, and loss of potassium. To avoid this, firms have found a way to remove glycyrrhizin from licorice, producing the safer product DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice). In more amounts, licorice root containing  glycyrrhizin, has been shown to cause high blood pressure and side effects linked to heart problems.

Licorice Benefits

Licorice root covers compounds that act as a soothing or coating agent that soothes the lining of the throat to decrease soreness and irritation. Due to the adverse reaction profile of licorice, many studies have been performed using the deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) extract that is free of glycyrrhizin. As DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) has been shown to reduce the gastric bleeding caused by aspirin, DGL is strongly indicated for the avoiding of gastric ulcers in individuals requiring long-term therapy with ulcer-causing medicines, such as aspirin, other NSAIDs, and corticosteroids. There is a German E Commission (an official government agency similar to the  FDA) Monograph for licorice that lists it use as beneficial for common cold of the upper respiratory and for gastric ulcers.


LicoriceIn one study, participants who took a combination of licorice, silymarin (milk thistle), and different other herbs had improved measures of liver enzymes and tests of liver function. To treat hepatitis clinical trials in Japan have used a licorice root extract (glycyrrhizin) to treat hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and have showed that glycyrrhizin reduces liver illness. Glycyrrhizin has been used in Japan for a long while as a therapy for chronic hepatitis disease.A glycyrrhizin containing preparation (Stronger Neo-Minophagen C), consisting of 0.2 % glycyrrhizin, 0.1 % cysteine and 2.0 % glycine in physiological saline solution, is used intravenously in Japan for the therapy of hepatitis. Shown to be efficient in preventing the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic hepatitis C individuals. In two clinical trials, Stronger Neo-Minophagen C has been shown to significantly lower alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) concentrations, while simultaneously ameliorating histologic evidence of  necrosis and inflammatory lesions in the liver.


Recent researches have provided new findings of licorice antiinflammatory effects. A study reported in the December 1998 edition of “Pigment Cell Research” showed that licorice (glabridin), exert anti-inflammatory property owing to suppression of superoxide anion production and inhibition of cyclooxygenase. A study, published in the June 11, 2008 issue of “Pharmacological Research“, scientists evaluated the anti-inflammatory effects of glycyrrhizin extract in a mice model of acute inflammation caused by induced lung damage resulting in pleurisy characterized by fluid accumulation. Powerful anti-inflammatory activities were seen and measured parameters of the damage were prominent reduced. Experts concluded that the mechanism of prevention was through the NF-kappa B and STAT-3 activation pathways. According to a another research published in 2010 of the journal “Phytomedicine“, licorice root has the capability  to inhibit inflammation by acting on cycloxygenase andlipooxygenase enzymes.

Peptic Ulcer

Licorice has been used common in Europe to promote the improvement of peptic ulcers. Usually an supplementation containing, DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice), is used for ulcer therapy. Some researches demonstrated that licorice root -derived compounds can increase the concentration of prostaglandins in the digestive system that encourage mucous secretion from the stomach, as well as produce new cells in the stomach lining. In a study of deglycyrrhizinated licorice in gastric ulcer, 33 gastric ulcer patients were treated with either 760 mg, 3  times a day, or a placebo for 1 month.  There was a important greater decrease in ulcer size in the DGL group 78 percent, than in the placebo group 34 percent. Complete improvement occurred in 44 percent of those receiving deglycyrrhizinated licorice, however in only 6 percent of the placebo group.


Lab experiments have identified some components in licorice that may help prevent DNA mutations, inhibit tumor formation and moreover kill cancer cells. In animal-based studies, glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizic acid reduced formation of colon, liver, breast and uterine cancers.


Scientists at the “Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics” have discovered that licorice root contains compounds with an anti-diabetic property. Experiment on mice, the researchers found that the consumption of amorfrutins reduced blood sugar levels and inflammation that would otherwise be present in the mice suffering from Type 2 diabetes.

Licorice Dosage

Commission E  recommends a daily intake dry extracts equivalent to 200 mg – 600 mg of glycyrrhizin. But, the Commission E  advises against using Licorice for more than 4  to 6 weeks without the guidance of a doctor.

Zeaxanthin Benefits and Food Sources

Zeaxanthin and lutein are carotenoids found in maximum concentration in the macular region of the eyes, where they are believed to help filter out damaging blue light and avoid free-radical damage to the delicate structures in the back of the eye. Zeaxanthin belongs to subgroup xanthophylls of bioflavonoid called carotenoids. Zeaxanthin and lutein are the only carotenoids found in both the macula and lens of the human eye, and have dual functions in both tissues to act as strong antioxidants and to filter high-energy blue light.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin Foods

Egg yolk, corn, kale, orange peppers, orange juice, carrots, tangerines, peaches, apricots, papayas, mangos, kiwi, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, collard, turnip greens, parsley, spinach.

Zeaxanthin Benefits

Zeaxanthin and  lutein are potent antioxidants, and lutein is widely known as the basic nutrient for protecting ocular function. Lutein and zeaxanthin may avoid cellular damage in these conditions by quenching singlet oxygen or neutralizing photosensitizers.

EyeBlue light is a component of natural sunlight and when it reaches the retina, it can be deleterious to the photoreceptors and the retinal pigment epithelium, which are essential to vision. Zeaxanthin and lutein appear to absorb excess light energy to avoid harm to plants from too much sunlight, particularly from high energy light rays called blue ligh. By absorbing blue light, the macular pigment protects the underlying photoreceptor cell layer from light harm, probably initiated by the formation of reactive oxygen species during a photosensitized reaction.

The role played by the strong antioxidant zeaxanthin in the eye is to sharpen central vision, decrease the effects of glare and maintain healthful visual acuity. Increased risk of age related macular degeneration may result from low levels of zeaxanthin and lutein in the diet, serum or retina, and excessive exposure to blue light. Research findings indicates a potent correlation between high blood serum levels of zeaxanthin and a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataract formation.

According to experts of the “American Optometric Association“, except reducing the risk of developing eye illness other researches have shown that  zeaxanthin  and lutein increase visual performance in age-related macular degeneration and cataract patients.

According to a study published in the November 2002 issue of “Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science” indicates that supplementing your diet with zeaxanthin helps to avoid and reduce harm to the retinas.

In one study involving 77,466 female nurses from the “Nurses Health Study“, those with the highest quintile for consumption of lutein and zeaxanthin were found to have a 22 percent decrease in the risk of cataract extraction. According to the findings of the study found that consuming high level of zeaxanthin and lutein reduced the need for cataract surgery.

In a study reported in “Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics” in August 2010, the researchers conclude that, zeaxanthin and lutein filter short wavelength light and avoid or decrease the generation of free radicals in the retinal pigment epithelium and choroid.

According to research conducted by experts from the “University of Eastern Finland“; increased amounts of zeaxanthin and lutein may decrease the risk of cataract by approximately  40%. (British Journal of Nutrition)

In a study of 2500 persons (POLA Study), high levels of zeaxanthin in their blood have 93 percent less risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and 75 percent less risk of developing a nuclear cataract. In another study with 5000 participants found high dietary lutein and zeaxanthin intake reduces the risk of developing a cortical cataract by 30%.

Zeaxanthin Dosage

The American Optometric Association recommends 2 mg/day for zeaxanthin and 10 mg/day of lutein. For each 10 percent increase in dietary  zeaxanthin and lutein, serum levels are seen to enhance by percent.

Acerola Benefits and Vitamin C

Acerola (Malpighia glabra L.) is a small tree that grows in dry areas of the Caribbean and South and Central America. The fruit of is small and red like a cherry. Besides the name acerola, it is widely known with 3 different names; Barbados cherry , West Indian cherry and  Wild crapemyrtle. Acerola berry covers from 1% to 4.5 % vitamin C (1,000  –  4,500 mg/100 gr) in the edible portion of the fruit.

A Natural Source of Vitamin C

Vitamins have been produced as commodity chemicals and made usually available as inexpensive synthetic and semisynthetic source multivitamin dietary supplements, since the middle of the 20th century. Until the mid-1930s, when the initially commercial yeast-extract and semi-synthetic vitamin C supplement were sold, vitamins were obtained solely through food intake, and changes in diet can alter the types and amounts of vitamins ingested. Various vitamin C and multivitamin supplements contain ascorbic acid or ascorbate, which is the outer ring that surrounds the real vitamin C complex. They are generally chemically synthesized molecules manufactured in a test tube and are  made from usually modified corn sugar. Acerola’s special high level of Vitamin C paired with the presence and synergistic effect of nature’s stabilizers (bioflavonoids, carotenoids) make it a preferred Vitamin C source.

Acerola Benefits

Vitamin C is critical for many basic processes in the body. Vitamin C is important for bones and connective tissues, Acerolamuscles, immune system and blood vessels. Withal helps the body absorb iron, which is needed for red blood cell production. For healthy women and men, the “Linus Pauling Institute” recommends a vitamin C dosage of at least 400 mg daily.


Vitamin C is responsible for producing collagen. Collagen is a protein that connects all fiber network, suchlike as tendons, skin, cartilage and other tissues in the body. Vitamin C plays an substantial role in the formation of collagen, which is the main structural protein in the skin.


Scurvy disease is prevented by enough intake of vitamin C. Scurvy is a problem characterised by general weakness, anaemia, gingivitis, and skin haemorrhages caused by a prolonged deficiency of vitamin C  in the diet.


Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant. Antioxidants block some of the damage caused by free radicals, substances that damage DNA. Antioxidant properties of vitamin C have been demonstrated in many experiments in vitro. Vitamin C is implicated in preventing cancer due to its capability in scavenging free radicals and carcinogens, maintaining the integrity of connective tissue and improving immunocompetence and resistance to cancer. In a lab study reported in “Plant Foods for Human Nutrition” in 2011, researchers found that acerola may fight oxidative stress.

Immune System

The role of vitamin C in the functioning of immune cells is well proven. Vitamin C has been shown to stimulate both the production and function of leukocytes, particularly neutrophils, lymphocytes and phagocytes. Lymphocytes (There are two main types B cells and T cells) produce antibodies that work along with phagocytes to fight infection.

A study by researchers at Texas Health Science Center, studied the white blood cells of 12 participant before and after each participant took 1 gram of vitamin C daily for 2 weeks. Experts then analyzed the immune cell types present in the blood as well as the capability of these cells to make antiviral compounds. The number of NK cells in the peripheral blood increased after 2 weeks of  supplement with Vitamin C. While the number of T cells remained the same, they were more activated following vitamin C supplement. Experts concluded  that this data suggests an increase in antiviral immunity after 2 weeks of 1g/day vitamin C supplement and the possible use of vitamin C to modulate the immune system in people.

According to research published in the “journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition“; combination of vitamin C and vitamin E strengthens the immune system. Participants (healthy male and female volunteers aged 22-55 years old) were administered vitamin C (1,000 mg per day), or synthetic vitamin E (400 mg per day) or vitamin C and synthetic vitamin E at the aforementioned dosages, for 28 days. The findings of the study openly demonstrated that the participants receiving the combination of vitamin C and vitamin E had the most  developed parameters in immune system function as measured by blood levels of Interleukin-1B and tumor necrosis factor-alpha.


Vitamin C , decrease cellular DNA damage that is the critical first step in cancer initiation and as well as reduce the inflammatory changes that allow a malignant cell to grow into a dangerous tumor. A prospective study that followed 870 men over a period of 25 years found that those who consumed more than 83 mg of ascorbic acid daily had a stunning, 64 percent reduction in lung cancer compared with those who consumed less than 63 mg per day.  In the “Nurses’ Health Study“, premenopausal women with a family history of breast cancer who consumed an average of 205 mg/day of vitamin C from foods had a 63% lower risk of breast cancer than those who consumed an average of 70 mg/day.


A report in the “Lancet“, March 2001, stated that those with the maximum levels of vitamin C in their blood had one half the risk of death from all causes, including heart disease. Scientists analyzed the effect of vitamin C on both arterial stiffness and platelet aggregation. They provided vitamin C in a single 2000 mg oral dose, or placebo, to healthy male volunteers. Only 6 hours after supplementation, measures of arterial stiffness decreased by 10 percent in the supplemented group, and platelet aggregation  by 35 percent, with no changes at all seen in the placebo group.

Vitamin C is important for maintaining a healthful heart and blood vessels by reducing oxidative stress and promoting vasodilation increasing nitric oxide bioavailability. Vitamin C helps in reducing the risk of stroke, a kind of cardiovascular disease. One study in the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” found that those with the highest concentrations of vitamin C in their blood were associated with 42 percent lower stroke risk than those with the lowest concentrations.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)

Age-related macular degeneration is a problem that occurs when cells in the macula degenerate. Experimental findings suggests vitamin C lowers the risk of developing cataracts, and when taken in combination with other nutrients, can slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration  and visual acuity loss. Vitamin C (500 mg) appears to work with other antioxidants, including beta-carotene (15 mg), vitamin E (400 IU) and zinc (80 mg), to protect the eyes against developing macular degeneration. Results of this study, showed slows the progression of advanced age-related
macular degeneration by approximately 25 % and visual acuity loss by 19 % in people at high-risk for the.

Kudzu Benefits and Dosage

The Kudzu root (Pueraria lobata) is a creeping vine that is native to Japan, throughout most of China and the southeastern United States. In Traditional Chinese Medicine where it is known as “Ge Gen“, kudzu is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs. Kudzu contains isoflavones like puerarin, genistein, daidzin and daidzein. The aggregate isoflavone content varies from 1.77–12 percent, with puerarin in the highest concentration, followed by daidzein and daidzin.

Kudzu Benefits

The isoflavones in kudzu extract may alleviate alcohol intake and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 38 people diagnosed with alcoholism were assigned to receive either kudzu extract 1.2 g twice daily or a matching placebo. No statistically significance difference in craving and sobriety scores were noted after 1 month between kudzu and placebo. In a study Clinical and Experimental Research, reported in the May 2005 edition, people who took kudzu drank an average of 1.8 beers per session, compared with 3.5 beers consumed by those who took a placebo.

AlcoholismKudzu root extract generally reduced alcohol cravings within a week, and in over 80 % of cases, alcohol cravings were completely gone within 2 to 4 weeks of therapy. Scientists have discovered 2 compounds in kudzu that alter the enzymes that break down alcohol in the liver. Therefore, an alcohol byproduct called acetaldehyde builds up. As a result, a byproduct known as acetaldehyde will build up in the system causing nausea, stomach upset, and an  discomfort in the body. According to a study reported in the November 2009 edition of  Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research demonstrated that daidzin inhibits a liver enzyme called ALDH-2. (aldehyde dehydrogenase-2).

Several research suggests that puerarin, might alleviating signs and symptoms of chest pain when given by intravenously or mouth. This plant has a long history of use in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders, including angina, acute myocardial infarction, and heart failure. An intravenous  form of puerarin,  has been used in China to treat patients with ischemic stroke, the type of stroke that is caused by a blood clot.

The University of Alabama at Birmingham” scientists have examined kudzu root extract. Their studies, shows kudzu alleviating a important proportion of the blood pressure rise that occurs in rats placed on a high salt diet. In addition, kudzu root extract has been demonstrated to decrease blood glucose, insulin and leptin in animal model of insulin resistance. Kudzu “may provide a dietary supplement that significantly decreases the risk and severity of stroke and cardiovascular disease in at-risk people,” the scientists say in a statement.

Kudzu Dosage

For alcoholism 2.4 g kudzu root extract daily. Standardised root extracts are used to treat angina pectoris. Practitioners of  “Traditional Chinese Medicine” recommend a daily dosage of 30 mg to 120 mg of kudzu to treat cardiovascular complaints.

Andrographis Benefits and Dosage

Andrographis paniculata (chuan Xin Lian) is an annual herb that can grow erect to the size of a shrub.The underground stem and leaf  are used to make drug.The plant is known in north-eastern India as Maha-tita, literally “King of Bitters“, and known by various local names.

Andrographis Benefits

The important constituents in andrographis are diterpene lactones known as andrographolides. Andrographolides are believed to have immune-stimulating, liver-protective and anti-inflammatory. The flu epidemic of 1919 was one of the most devastating infectious outbreaks in world history, killing millions worldwide. But, in India, the astonishing prophylactic effects of andrographis paniculata was credited with stopping the deadly virus.

Immune System

This plant is a strong stimulant for the immunological system, through both the antigen specific and non specific way. Andrographis has been found in lab experiments to increase lymphocyte production and proliferation, along with increasing key cytokines such as tumor TNF-alpha (necrosis factor alpha),  NK (natural killer cell) function and IL-2 (interleukin-2).

Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

Andrographis paniculata has been shown to be a safe  herb for supporting upper respiratory tract health, per analysis of 7 double-blind controlled trials (2004 Planta Medica). Developments in muscle pain, cough, headache, throat symptoms,  nasal symptoms, eye symptoms and temperature have been reported.  A double-blind study of 158 patient with the common cold found that over the course of 4 days A. paniculata helped to relieve sore throat, earache and nasal congestion symptoms, compared to placebo.

Some researchs suggests combination of  Siberian ginseng and andrographis paniculata relieves cold symptoms better than. A study shows that taking a particular andrographis extract in combination with Siberian ginseng  (Swedish Herbal Institute) by mouth significantly improves symptoms of the common cold when started within 72 hours of feeling sick. Kan Jang, a standardized extract of A paniculata and Siberian ginseng has been studied in manufacturer-sponsored clinical trials for relief of respiratory symptoms from  flu and cold . In a double-blind study of 152 people with fever and sore throat, participants received A.paniculata (3 g or 6 g) or acetaminophen. The higher dose (6 g) of andrographis paniculata decreased symptoms of throat pain and fever to about the same extent as acetaminophen.


Andrographis PaniculataA. paniculata has demonstrated significant results against viruses in clinical studies, including the capability to interfere with the way virus replicates and affects DNA. New researchs has dicated that extracts of A. paniculata may have the potential for interfering with the viability of the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and advised that Andrographis could combine with modern drugs against acquired immunodeficiency syndromes (AIDS). A clinical study found that andrographis may inhibit HIV-induced cell cycle dysregulation, leading to a rise in CD4+ lymphocyte levels in HIV-1 infected patients. The alkaloids of andrographis paniculata as well as reduce the multiplication of the, herpes, hepatitis b and Influenza viruses.


Andrographolide therapy inhibited the in vitro proliferation of different tumor cell lines, representing various types of cancers. Immunostimulatory activity of andrographolide is evidenced by increased proliferation of lymphocytes and production of interleukin-2. Andrographolide as well as improves the tumor necrosis factor-alpha production and CD marker expression, resulting in increased cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes against cancer cells, which may contribute for its indirect anticancer activity.

Andrographolide and ethanol extract of andrographis paniculata were found to have significantly growth inhibitory effects on human acute myeloid leukemic HL-60 cells after 24 h of therapy. Researchers concluded that andrographolide and andrographis extract induce cell cycle arrest and affect an intrinsic mitochondria-dependent pathway of apoptosis by regulating the expression of some pro-apoptotic markers in HL-60 cells.

A. paniculata inhibited IL-6 expression and IL-6-mediated signals in human prostate cancer cells, and suppressed tumor growth of DU145 human prostate tumors in mice.  Lab experiments have showed that A.paniculata may inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells just as well as the medicine tamoxifen. In 1977, a clinical trial was done on 60 people that were affected with skin Basalioma, 41 of which had Metastasis. According to The Journal of Chinese Medicine, 12 patients, who just received extracts of A. paniculata recovered.

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

Andrographis boosts the immune system as well as exhibits antiviral activity against HSV-1. A study conducted in 2005, showed that A.paniculata has viricidal activities against HSV-1 and interferes with reproduction of the virus. Another study conducted in 2011, confirmed the herb’s inhibitory effects on replication of the virus and also found inhibitory effects on viral entry to the cell.

The effect is increased when is taken in combination with vitamin C and echinacea.The anti-viral properties of the echinacea are believed to be caused in part by the inhibition of the enzyme hyaluronidase, thereby strengthening resistance to viral infection. An in vitro study, an herbal supplement containing echinacea and  benzalkonium chloride, the echinacea phytochemicals demonstrated antiviral activity against both acyclovir-resistant and susceptible strains of HSV-2.


Andrographis paniculata develops gall bladder function, increases bile flow, and has been found to be as effective as milk thistle (silymarin) in protecting the liver. Extracts of andrographis have demonstrated protection on liver from various chemicals such as carbon tetrachloride. In this clinical study A. paniculata  was given in the decoction form to the patients of infective hepatitis. A marked symptomatic development in majority of the cases was observed. A statistically highly significant decrease was noted in various liver function tests. (SGOT, SGPT, serum globulin fraction of protein, alkaline phosphatase, thymol turbidity, serum bilirubin)

Familial Mediterranean Fever

Familial Mediterranean Fever is a genetic disorder that causes recurrent episodes of fever that are usually accompanied by pain in the abdomen, chest or joints. Disease onset generally occurs before the age of 30 with an earlier onset corresponding to a more severe phenotype. This disease is caused by a gene mutation that passed from parents to children. Double blind, randomized, placebo controlled pilot study, a combination product containing A. paniculata, along with eleutherococcus senticosus,  glycyrrhiza glabra and schizandra chinensis (ImmunoGuard) may reduce duration, frequency and severity of attacks in children with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF).

Andrographis Dosage

Standardized preparations in clinical studies of the common cold have supplied 48 to 60 milligram andrographolides per day, divided into 3 or 4 doses. A 300 milligram Kan Jang© tablet containing 4 % andrographolides has been taken 4 times daily for cold therapy. Andrographis paniculata  tea; use 5 gr of the herb for 250 ml of hot water. Allow the mixture to stand for 10–15 minutes before drinking.