Gotu Kola Health Benefits and Dosage

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is native to Madagascar, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and parts of  South Africa. Conventionally, gotu kola has been used for chronic skin conditions, hepatitis, syphilis, mental fatigue, gastric ulcers, rheumatism, asthma and epilepsy. Furthermore used to treat circulatory problems of the lower limbs which include chronic venous insufficiency, foot swelling and various veins. Based on some traditional indications, gotu kola was accepted as a medication in France in the 1880s.

Gotu Kola Health Benefits

Madecassoside and madasiatic acid are the main active constituents. Gotu kola is used to relieve symptoms of poor circulation in the veins of the legs and to speed the healing of wounds and burns. This plant contains certain substances that seem to decrease inflammation and reduce blood pressure in veins.

Gotu KolaSome clinical studies have found that gotu kola may improve poor blood flow to the legs and help to decrease swelling. In a clinical trial of 94 people with venous insufficiency, those who took gotu kola saw their symptoms reduce compared to those who took placebo. In different study, 30 people with chronic venous insufficiency experienced important improvements in their symptoms after taking a combination of gotu kola and vitamin E for 10 weeks. In another study of people with venous insufficiency, 2 weeks of cure with gotu kola was shown to decrease the time necessary for the swelling to disappear. Also, creams containing gotu kola regulate collagen production and inhibit excessive scar formation. Lab experiments conducted in Europe and India demonstrate that an ointment or gel made from gotu kola may speed wound healing.

According to research published in the October 2001 issue of the journal “Angiology“; Gotu Kola, dosage 60 mg twice daily for twelve months, is effective in improving the microcirculation in diabetic microangiopathy and neuropathy. Researches have shown that using Gotu Kola can help to develop the production of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase) in the body which prevent cell damage by free radicals.

Gotu kola can revitalize the brain and the nervous system and increase attention span and focus. In a pilot study, 28 elderly people took gotu kola at various doses once daily for two months. Findings revealed that had improvements in mood, as well as memory and cognitive function.


Clinical studies for wound healing, poor circulation and  venous insufficiency have used daily doses of gotu kola standardized to 30 to 90 milligrams of asiaticosides.

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