Sarsaparilla Benefits and Uses

Sarsaparilla root (Smilax regelli) is a perennial plant that is native to the rainforests of South America, Caribbean and the Jamaica. The herb belongs to the lily family. Root is the most common part of the sarsaparilla vine that is used for therapeutic purposes. This root has a pleasant fragrance and spicy sweet taste. One of the most important ingredients in sarsaparilla root are saponins, a chemical substance.

Sarsaparilla Benefits

Conventionally, sarsaparilla root, as a tonic and blood purifier, and has been used for gonorrhea, syphilis, rheumatism, arthritis, fever, cough, gout, anorexia, liver protection, digestive disorders, wounds, psoriasis, eczema, skin disorders. Also, sarsaparilla includes beta-sitosterol which has anti-inflammatory effects.

SarsaparillaThis plant, used to treat syphilis in the 1800’s and was exported to Europe. From 1820 to 1910, was registered in the US Pharmacopoeia as a therapy for syphilis. Chinese researches indicate sarsaparilla root, in combination with  other plants, was tested as a cure for syphilis. Clinical observations showed that smilax was effectual in approximately 90 percent of acute and 50 percent of chronic cases.

Smilax binds with toxins and is used to improve  blood and liver functioning. The active chemicals of the sarsaparilla herb are its saponins, which help to reduce the body’s toxic load. It binds to toxins and causes them to be eliminated from the bowel readily.

Sarsaparilla is usually used in connection with psoriasis, eczema, and other skin problems. Specific root phytochemicals, have soothed psoriasis, probably by disabling bacterial components called endotoxins. Patients with psoriasis have been found to have high levels of endotoxins circulating in the bloodstream. A Chinese study shows a sarsaparilla formula is an effectual potential therapy for psoriasis. “The New England Journal of Medicine” reported study in 1942 showing that  extract of sarsaparilla was effective in reducing psoriasis symptoms, 62 percent of the 92 participants studied demonstrated important development in their symptoms, while 18 percent showed  complete removal of their psoriasis symptoms.

Lecithin Benefits and Side Effects

Lecithin is a phospholipid or fat that’s needed in small levels by all cells in body.  Was first isolated in 1846 by the French chemist Theodore Gobley. Lecithin is an important component of every cell. However the highest concentration is found in the vital organs like your brain, heart, liver and kidneys. Almost 30 percent of your brain is composed of lecithin. As a important component of the cell membrane, lecithin acts as an emulsifier, keeping the essential fatty acids apart from other molecules within the cell. Lecithin consists mainly of B vitamins, inositol, choline, and phosphoric acid, with some linoleic acid.

Natural Lecithin Food Sources

Foods rich in lecithin include egg yolks, soybeans, legumes, grains, peanuts, wheat germ and yeast.

Lecithin Benefits

Researches demonstrates that lecithin may have numerous effects, including the maintenance of a wholesome liver, a healthy heart and circulatory system, and healthy pregnancy and child improvement. Choline, (a major component of lecithin), has been shown to support wholesome nervous system function. Also, lecithin helps the body to absorb vitamin E, which is a fat-soluble vitamin.

Heart Health

Lecithin acts as a solvent for triglycerides, cholesterol, and other fats. Lecithin is an emulsifier that helps break down fats, so helping to maintain a wholesome heart and blood vessels. Some researches showed that lecithin has important effects on lowering triglyceride and cholesterol levels, while increasing HDL cholesterol, in the blood. One study by the “Washington University School of Medicine” found that reduce cholesterol levels by regulating fat metabolism in the liver. In 2002 scientists at Wake Forest University School of Medicine demonstrated that a lack of lecithin could increase atherosclerosis. According to a research reported in the 2009 of  ‘ Cholesterol,’ lecithin reduced total cholesterol by up to 42%, and LDL-cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) by up to 56% in participants with high cholesterol. A new study published in 2010, was  40% to 50 % reduction in total and LDL cholesterol levels.

Brain Health

LecithinA critical factor in healthy  brain and nerve transmissions is the presence of cellular substance named acetylcholine. Lecithin is used by the body to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, helping to keep a limpid mind. Acetylcholine deficiencies are linked with the neurological disorders Friedrich’s ataxia, tardive dyskinesia, olivopontocerebellar atrophy, myasthenia gravis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Studies have shown that individuals taking lecithin have noteworthy amelioration in memory test scores and fewer memory lapses than those who took the placebos. Helpful effect on long-term memory has been showed after administration of 35 g lecithin for four to six weeks. In 1975, researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) proved that lecithin choline has a prompt effect on the brain’s capability to make a chemical  important for nerve signal transmission.

Alzheimer’s can be caused by a change in production of acetylcholine. Lecithin produces the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which enables communication and signal-transmission between brain cells. Lecithin is part of the myelin sheath that surrounds and insulates nerve fibers. Autopsies demonstrate that multiple sclerosis (MS) individuals have less lecithin in the brain and myelin sheath than normal persons.

Liver Health

Lecithin includes phosphatidylcholine which is an component of cellular membrane. Phosphatidylcholine has shown to be useful against liver diseases such as liver damage, alcoholic fibrosis, liver cirrhosis. In one double-blind study, it developed the effect of interferon in patients with chronic hepatitis C. In Europe, phosphatidylcholine is  used to treat liver ailments, such as alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, viral hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.


Bile, made by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Cholesterol makes up most types of gallbladder stones. Inadequate levels of lecithin in bile may increase the risk of gallstones. Lecithin is  a natural fat emulsifier, and provides protection against the negative effects of bile salts.

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes long-term inflammation in part of your digestive tract. Ulcers form where inflammation has killed the cells that generally line the colon. Symptoms include rectal bleeding, diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal cramps, rectal bleeding, fatigue and fevers. Long-term ulcerative colitis is a risk factor for colon cancer. Also, among young children, this disease, may delay growth and development. A double-blind, placebo controlled study of 60 participant whose ulcerative colitis was poorly responsive to corticosteroids were randomized to receive either phosphadylcholine (two grams daily dose) or placebo for twelve weeks.  Half of the patients taking phosphadylcholine demonstrated a important development in symptoms versus just 10 percent taking placebo.

Side Effects

Using lecithin supplements is usually considered safe. But, some people taking high dosages experience side effects, such as abdominal discomfort, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and nausea.

Burdock Benefits and Side Effects

The burdock (Arctium lappa) is a herb found in the continents of Asia and Europe. Extract is derived from the root or seeds of the plant. Constituents; are fixed and volatile oils, starch, mucilage, a bitter principle, inulin  resin, tannic acid, silicon, copper, cobalt, manganese, zinc, iron, chromium, vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin E. (Also, new researches demonstrate that burdock root oil extract is rich in phytosterols and essential fatty acids). Various researches have shown that plant root can be used as an antidote because it neutralizes and eliminates poison in the system.

Burdock Benefits

A powerful blood purifier and cleaner, burdock has been used to neutralize and eliminate toxins in the system. It develops the capacity of many of the organs which purify the body and eliminate toxins or waste. As a diuretic and diaphoretic, burdock root promotes sweating, which helps to release toxins through the skin and promotes increased urine, further eliminating toxins via the bladder and kidneys.

Has been shown to decrease liver damage in animals. In one study burdock was found to protec the liver cells from the damage of taking acetaminophen. Burdock can be combined with dandelion root to make tea, which is liver stimulator and cleanser. 2002 study, reported in the “Journal of Biomedical Science“, found that burdock’s antioxidant activities helped to protect the liver from damage due to alcohol consumption.

This plant includes inulin, a natural dietary fiber, and has been used to develop digestion. Beneficial influences the digestive tract functions, and protects the lining of the stomach. Inulin positively influences metabolism, helps to improve lipid metabolism, so lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Also, inulin may act as a buffer, preventing blood glucose levels from fluctuates erratically.

Because burdock root includes phytochemicals that are antifungal and antibacterial it may be useful in treating, psoriasis, eczema, ringworm. In skin ailments, it is a remedy and has effected a treatment in many cases of eczema, either taken alone or combined with other plants, such as Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock. A clinical trial found that topical application of a product containing burdock extract significantly developed dermal extracellular matrix metabolism and visibly decreased wrinkles.

Side Effects

Not recommended for use by women who are pregnant or nursing. Animal-based studies show that burdock root stimulates the uterus. As with other sources of soluble fibre, burdock itself may decrease the absorption of drugs and therefore should be taken separately from these.

Motherwort Benefits and Side Effects

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca), belongs to the mint family of plants. Leon-lion, ouros-tail and cardiaca refers to the heart. Has a quite bitter taste. It is usually found in the wild, near areas of water-like streams or rivers. Includes the alkaloid leonurine, which is a mild vasodilator and has a relaxing activity on smooth muscles. Motherwort was first used by the Ancient Greeks to soothe the anxiety of pregnant women.Traditional Chinese Medicine proposes motherwort to promote longevity and treat menstrual problems.

Motherwort Benefits

Motherwort is usually given to stimulate menstruation when it is amenorrhea or irregular and dysmenorrhea. A general nervous system relaxant with mild emmenagogic effects makes suitable  for women experiencing painful scanty menstrual flow aggravated by stress. Animal-based study conducted in China suggests that motherwort alkaloids can calm the central nervous system and stimulate the uterus to contract. Researches show motherwort effectiveness in lowering symptoms of menopause. In one study, a formula containing motherwort, burdock, licorice, wild yam and dong quai decreased menopause symptoms.

This plant  has been referred to as a cardiotonic. Motherwort is used for heart disorders including heart failure, fast heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, and heart symptoms due to anxiety. Stachydine and leonurine (important components),  may decrease blood pressure and soothe the central nervous system. Inhibits blood platelet aggregation, reduces blood lipid levels, reduces high blood pressure and calms arrhythmias. Has been shown to be hypotensive, sedative, and antispasmodic. “New York University Langone Medical Center” notes that Leonurus cardiaca can be used to treat rapid heartbeats due to anxiety or stress. In a trial of 105 participants, 94 percent of them demonstrated an improvement in blood viscosity and reduction in fibrinogen content. Russian researchers released a study, reported in the journal “Phytotherapy Research” that demonstrated significantly reduced blood pressure after 14 days of taking 300 mg twice a day. The German Commission E (an official government agency similar to the  FDA), has approved motherwort for irregular heart rhythms caused by anxiety.

Motherwort Side Effects

Adverse effects include stomach irritation, diarrhea and uterine bleeding. May produce allergic reactions to those susceptible to dermatitis. This herb can stimulate the uterus and might cause a miscarriage. Also, motherwort along with sedative drugs might cause too much  sleepiness.

Fenugreek Benefits and Side Effects

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L.) is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae. Seeds contain alkaloids  and protein high in tryptophan and lysine. Its steroidal saponins and mucilaginous fiber are thought to account for many of the useful effects of fenugreek. The seed of the fenugreek has pharmacological effects, and because of this, is cultivated for use as an natural remedy in China, Turkey and India.

Fenugreek Benefits

One of the fenugreek effects includes its ability increase milk production in lactating females. Ayurvedic doctors prescribe fenugreek to nursing mothers. This effect attributed to the presence of diosgenin in fenugreek. Diosgenin, has been shown experimentally to reproduce milk flow. It is thought that fenugreek stimulate sweat production and that this influences milk production as the two structures are similar. Has been found that fenugreek can enhance a nursing mother’s milk supply within 24 to 72 hours after taking the herb.

Fenugreek showed hepatoprotective activity against alcohol-induced liver damage. Further, fenugreek decreased the toxicity associated with cyclophosphamide and buthionine sulfoximine in mice. Fenugreek may decrease the oxidative stress on the liver, according to a research reported in the “Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology” in 2001.

This plant contains 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which appears to increase the body’s production of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. The secretion of insulin from the pancreas is stimulated by 4-hydroxyisoleucine. This substance, is an amino acid derivative that helps the pancreas produce insulin, helps reduce glucose resistance and develops the uptake of glucose. Some researches have shown that patients with type 2 diabetes had noteworthy lower blood sugar levels after eating fenugreek.

Fenugreek may increase male libido and help with the maintenance of normal testosterone levels. Lately, the was verified using a special extract of fenugreek, named Testofen, was shown in a double-blind study of healthy males to significantly increase both libido and the ability to orgasm. Scientists found that men taking fenugreek can boost their sex drive by at least a quarter. A June 2011 study at the Australian Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine found that men aged 25 to 52 (60 healthy men) who took a fenugreek extract twice daily for 6 weeks scored 25 percent higher on tests gauging libido levels than those who took a placebo. This research, “Phytotherapy Research” was published on February 2011 edition.

This plant, has been used for loss of appetite and stomach complaints. Some research suggests that taking a special fenugreek product (FenuLife) before the two biggest meals of the day decreases symptoms of heartburn. Fenugreek are assumed to have  nutritive properties. Animal-based study, rats were given the seed extract orally, mixed together with food, and control animals were monitored in parallel. The findings show that chronic oral administration of the fenugreek seed extract significantly increases food intake and the motivation to eat.The German Commission E (an official government agency similar to the  FDA), has approved the use of fenugreek for treating loss of appetite, and for topical use to treat skin inflammation. Irritable bowel syndrome is a common illness of the digestive system. It can cause bloating, abdominal cramping, and a change in bowel habits. Fenugreek is known to help avoid  aid in dissolving excess mucus in the digestive system, which can help reduce Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Fenugreek Side Effects

Possible side effects of include gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Fenugreek may change the smell and color of the urine. A uterine stimulant in high doses. Therefore could cause uterine contractions that might lead to preterm labor.