EGCG Benefits and Dosage

Green tea, is the unfermented product of the Camellia sinensis plant. Oolong tea is partially fermented, and black tea is fully fermented. Green tea is not fermented at all. Fermentation may reduce the levels of some compounds, such as antioxidants, in the tea. The 4 main polyphenols found in tealeaves are epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epicatechin (EC). Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most powerful of these catechins. The active constituent is EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), which accounts for 40 percent of the total polyphenol content of green tea extract.

EGCG Benefits

According to scientists at the University of Kansas, the antioxidant capacity of EGCG is approximately 100 times greater than that of vitamin C and 25 times greater than that of vitamin E in protecting DNA from the kind of free radical damage that is thought to increase the risk of cancer. Also, it is thought that epigallocatechin gallate plays an critical role in inhibiting DNA synthesis and cell replication, both imperative for the survival of cancer cells.

At the molecular level, epigallocatechin gallate directs cell signals that block dangerous activity that could lead to the uncontrolled growth characteristic of cancer cells. Epigallocatechin gallate selectively induces apoptosis in human carcinoma cell lines. Inhibits telomerase and DNA methyltransferase, two enzymes involved in cancer gene expression and cellular immortality. Anti-oxidant action protects cells from lipid peroxidation and DNA damage induced by reactive free radicals. Curcumin shows synergism with catechins in colonic tumor cells and human larynx carcinoma cells. In vitro experiments suggest that quercetin can enhance the antiproliferative impact of catechins in prostate cells in a synergistic manner. Vitamin C, shows synergism with epigallocatechin gallate in suppressing adenocarcinoma proliferation.

Some experiments  shown that catechins  inhibits a growth factor receptor named HER2, which is present in excess in approximately 30 percent of breast cancers and is associated with poor outcomes. When non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cells were transplanted into mice, prevented 50 percent of the tumors from taking hold and important inhibited growth of the tumors. In vitro findings show that concentrations of 30 mcg/mL EGCG and EGC inhibit lipoxygenase-dependent arachidonic acid metabolism by 30-75 percent in normal human colon mucosa and colon cancers. A study of 18,000 Chinese men found that men who drank green tea frequently had a 50% lower risk of developing stomach cancer as compared to men who did not drink tea. In a study reported in ‘Cancer Science‘ in 2011 wrote EGCG may help treat cancer when used with anticancer medications.

In a case-control study involving 130 prostate cancer patients and 274 hospital controls, men drinking the most green tea were found to have an 86% decreased risk of prostate cancer compared, to those drinking the least. In a study reported in the December 2004 edition of the “International Journal of Cancer” found that EGCG significantly inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, the production of  PSA (prostate-specific antigen), a marker for prostate cancer risk. In Japan, a study of 500 women with Stage I and Stage II breast cancer found that increasing their green tea consumption before and after surgery significantly lowered the risk of recurrence.

EGCG activates endothelial nitric oxide synthase in cells lining blood vessels, or endothelial cells. Increased release of nitric oxide causes smooth muscle within the blood vessel wall to relax, therefore, increasing the diameter of the blood vessel and improving blood flow. Catechins inhibits platelet aggregation and adhesion via effects that differ. First, green tea inhibits thromboxane A2 formation. Also, inhibits another clotting agent called platelet activating factor (PAF). In addition, green tea improves the function of endothelial cells. Researchers in a study have found that people who drink green tea have better blood vessel function just 30 minutes later. This research, “European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation” was reported in the journal.

Dose-response relationships observed in sundry epidemiological studies have indicated that pronounced cardiovascular effects can be obtained by regular consumption of 5 to 6 cups of green tea per day. Also, studies using similar amounts of green tea, containing 200-300 mg of epigallocatechin gallate, have showed its efficacy for maintaining cardiovascular. When compared to drinking less than one cup per day, daily consumption of five or more cups of green tea was associated with a 16% reduction in mortality from all causes and a 26% reduction in mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

Findings from different animal-based and human studies suggest that epigallocatechin gallate may help treat viral hepatitis. Pure (+)-catechin (Catergen) has been used to treat hepatitis since 1976. This product has been shown to be an effective immune stimulator, promoting activation of macrophages, cytotoxic-T-lymphocytes, and NK (natural killer) cells in mice in a dose-dependent manner. 57 patients with chronic liver diseases of various etiology were treated with catergen given in a dose of  3 tablets (1.5 g) a day throughout three months. At the end of the experimental period, was shown that significantly  catergen improved some biochemical characteristics of the blood and indicators of the antipyrine test in people with compensated liver cirrhosis of the viral and alcoholic etiology.

According to German scientists, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) may provide an antiviral measure to prevent HCV reinfection following liver transplantation. ‘EGCG inhibits HCV cell entry by blocking viral attachment and may offer a new approach to prevent HCV infection, particularly reinfection liver transplantation’. Sandra Ciesek from the Hannover Medical School in Germany said. In lab tests, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, was found to prevent HIV from attacking T-Cells. Researcher Professor Mike Williamson, made the following statement; this research shows that green tea, could  slow down the spread of HIV and could reduce the risk of becoming infected by HIV.

One of the important compounds found in green tea has a strong capability to increase the number of “regulatory T cells” that play a critical role in immune function and suppression of autoimmune illness, according to research in the Linus Pauling Institute. Lab experiments done with mice, showed that treatment with epigallocatechin gallate significantly increased the numbers and frequencies of regulatory T cells found in spleen and lymph notes, and in the process helped to control the immune response.

Daily intake of catechins efficiently protects the brain from irreversible damage due to cerebral ischemia, and consequent neurologic deficits. In a the study, reported in the September 2010 Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, lab mice with Parkinson’s disease were given the epigallocatechin-3-gallate, and nerve cell death was reduced by 50 %. Animal-based studies, mice  bred to develop Alzheimer’s disease developed up to 54 % less beta-amyloid buildup in their brains when they  were given daily injections  EGCg.


For a green tea extract standardized for 80 % polyphenols and 55 % epigallocatechin gallate, a daily dose of 300 to 400 mg green tea extracts is recommended. The generally used dose of green tea is based on the amount consumed in Asian countries, providing 240-320 mg (three cups a day) of the active ingredients polyphenols.

Homeopathy Definition and Clinical Studies

Homeopathy Definition; Homoeopathy is a holistic system of medicine based on the theory of treating’like with like’. The symptoms are considered as the body’s natural reaction to the disease and help to find a solution against the disease. This means that a remedy that produces symptoms in a healthy individual will cure those same symptoms when manifested by a person in a diseased state. Homeopathy is a medical system improved 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor. The word ‘homeopathy” is derived from the Greek words; “homoios” (similar) and “pathos” (suffering).

Homeopathy Principles;

• Law of Similars

• Law of the Infinitesimal Dose

• Disease is specific to the individual

Homoeopathy is a method of therapy for curing the patient by medicines that possess the capacity of producing similar symptoms in a healthy human being simulating the natural disease, which it can cure in the diseased person.

While research with cures for malaria, Dr. Hahnemann discovered that some natural substances can produce symptoms that mimic illness. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann performed experiments on himself using Peruvian bark, which contains quinine, a malaria remedy. He concluded that in a healthy individual, quinine creates the same symptoms as malaria, including  chills and fevers which is the reason why it is effective as a remedy.

Homoeopathic medicaments are prepared from traces of plant, animal, mineral and other natural substances, by a standard method called potentisation or dynamisation, which comprises of successive dilutions and succussions to raise the inherent curative power of the drugs to maximum.  A homeopath uses pills or solutions containing only a little of an active ingredient for therapy of disease. Homeopaths believe that although homeopathic solutions are highly diluted, they contain a “memory” of the substance in water.

As yet, scientists has not been able to explain the mechanism of action of ultra high dilutions in the body, however lab experiments have showed that homeopathically prepared substances cause biological activity. For instance, the hormone thyroxine prepared as a homeopathic ’30C’ dilution can slow down the process of metamorphosis of tadpoles into frogs. The exact mechanism  by which homeopathy works is unknown, however 200 years of clinical experience along with research reported in such medical journals as The British Medical Journal and Lancet the have approved homeopathy’s effectiveness. Homeopathy method proved its power in 1831 when there was an outbreak of cholera. Using his homeopathic therapies Dr. Friedrich Samuel had 96 percent success rate, compared to the 41 percent of the conventional medicine of that time. In 1991, the “British Medical Journal” reported an analysis of 107 clinical trials published between 1966 and 1990. The reviewers found that in 81 of the studies, the homeopathic therapies were successful.

During past important epidemics such as cholera, diphtheria, scarlet fever, malaria, typhoid,  yellow fever, etc., homeopathy decreased mortality by 10 to 30 times versus orthodox medicine. During the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918-19, it has been estimated that 25 to 50 million people died. Homeopathic doctors documented then more than 62,000 patients treated with homeopathy resulting in a mortality of 0.7%. For people who were sick enough to be hospitalized, conventional medicine had a mortality of 30 percent while with 27,000 documented hospitalized cases, homeopathy was reporting a mortality of 1-3 percent. Research by the doctor Dr Andre Saine of more than 61,000 confirmed cases of  Spanish Flu between 1918 and 1919 has shown that patients treated with homeopathy experienced death rates of 0.7 % as opposed to more than 30 % for patients of conventional treatment. According the Dr. Frank Wieland,“8,000 workers we had only one death. Gelsemium was  the only remedy used. We used no vaccines and no aspirin.”

Homeopathy Clinical Studies

Findings from an observational study of over 3000 people with chronic conditions such as headache and allergic rhinitis in adults, and atopic dermatitis and recurrent infections in children, demonstrated improved quality of life associated with use of homeopathy with positive effects persisting for eight years.

The British Medical Journal in 1991 reported a large analysis of homeopathic cure that were given over the course of 25Homeopathyyears. This study, involved over 100 studies of patients with problems ranging from infections, respiratory ailments, vascular diseases, psychological problems, allergies, diabetes, arthritis, trauma and others. The study found amelioration with homeopathic cure in most categories of problems, and concluded that the evidence was “sufficient for establishing homeopathy as a regular  therapy for certain indications.

In one trial reported in Lancet by Dr. David Taylor Reilly compared the effects of a homeopathic hay-fever remedy with a placebo. In this double-blind controlled experiment, those who received the homeopathic remedy had 6 times fewer symptoms. In a randomised double-blind study homoeopathic therapy was compared to therapy by Chloroquine. The group using homoeopathic remedy experienced an 83.% progress, while the group using Chloroquine experienced a 72% development within the same time period (British Homoeopathic Journal, 1996, April).

In a study reported in the “International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics” concluded that homeopathy should be the first line therapy for acute ear infections in children. The group of 103 children who received individualised homeopathic remedy had fewer ear infections over the following year, compared with the children who received conventional therapy. 114 children attending a paediatric practice where conventional and homeopathic remedies were used, and who were previously diagnosed with ADHD, were given individualised homoeopathic remedies. On a parent assessed basis, if a minimum 50 percent improvement was not noted within a certain period of time they were placed on Methylphenidate. 75% of the children responded to homoeopathy and 22% required Methylphenidate.(British Homoeopathic Journal 2001)

In a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study, 63 asthma sufferers were treated for four months with either specific homoeopathic medicaments or placebo. Examined using peak flow rates, 97% of those taking homoeopathic remedies and 12% or those taking placebo experienced an development. In a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study, 40 individual suffering from corticosteroid- dependant bronchial asthma were given or placebo or a combination homeopathic remedy, every 5 to 7 days by subcutaneous injection. Using standard spirometry and granulocyte function to measure the response,  scientists found that the homeopathic remedy provided better results to placebo. (Biomedical Therapy , 1997, June)

A study performed by researchers at “Charité University Medical Center” of people with chronic headache revealed significant developments using homeopathic therapy. In a randomised, placebo controlled double blind study, 60 person suffering from migraine were treated using homoeopathy over a period of four months. Those patients in the control group experienced a decrease in migraine frequency from 9.9 attacks per month to 7.9 per month, while those in the treatment group reduced their monthly attack rate from 10 to between 1.8 and 3 per month. (Journal on Research in Homoeopathy, March, 1991)

Clinical experiments show the strength of homeopathic remedies in treating infectious diseases. In a French study reported in 1987, silica, prepared homeopathically to the 10c potency, stimulated macrophage activity by approximately 70%. In a randomised, double blind placebo controlled study, 50 person with asymptomatic HIV infection and 50 person  with symptomatic HIV infection and were given either placebo or an individualised homoeopathic remedy. Using numbers of pre and post therapy CD4 + ve T-lymphocytes, it was found that homoeopathic formula was useful for symptomatic HIV sufferers, but not for asymptomatic sufferers(British Homoeopathic Journal, 1999).

68 person suffering from mild to moderate hypertension were enrolled in a double-blind randomised clinical trial comparing individualised homoeopathic treatment with placebo. Accomplished results were obtained with 82 percent of those using homoeopathy compared with 57 percent of those using placebo (Boletin Mexicano, 1999). In a randomised, placebo-controlled study, 50 patient with persistent mild traumatic brain injury were treated either with  homeopathic remedy or placebo. The homeopathic therapy provided better results to those from the placebo control.(British Homeopathic Journal 2000)

In  double-blind trial 65 sufferers of OA (osteoarthritis) were split into two groups were given either a homoeopathic remedy or Acetaminophen, a commonly prescribed drug for pain relief in osteoarthritis. Scientists found that homoeopathy provided a level of pain relief that was better to acetaminophen, and produced no adverse reactions. In a study, carried out at the “Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital”, 41 patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis were treated with aspirin and 54 patient suffering from the same condition were treated with individualised homeopathic remedy. The results of the two forms of treatment  were compared at the end of the trial and it was found that those on homeopathic therapy did considerably superior than those on aspirin (Clinical Pharmacology, 1978). In a study, 79 patient suffering from mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee were given a gel containing Arnica and asked to apply it twice daily. Were assessed at 3 and 6 weeks for pain, stiffness and functional capability of the knee. Assessments demonstrated a significant reduction in pain and stiffness, and a noteworthy amelioration in the functional capability of the knee. (Advanced Therapies, 2002-Sep)

Guggul Benefits and Dosage

Guggul (gum guggul) is the common name for the mukul myrrh tree. Upon injury, the tree exudes a yellowish gum resin known as gum guggul, guggulu or gugulipid. This resin has been used for a long time in India as a traditional remedy in Ayurveda. The freshly collected gum resin is brown, pale yellow or dull green in color; aged resin is dark brown in color. Gugulipid, which is extracted from guggul, contains guggulsterones, which may have medical effects for humans.

Guggul Benefits

According to experiments C. mukul are as influential at reducing inflammation and relieving pain as ibuprofen, and as Commiphora Mukulefficacious at fighting infection as tetracycline in treating acne. Another researches has shown that myrrhanol-A, a triterpene isolated from guggul gum, is a strong anti-inflammatory, and significantly decreases pain and stiffness in individuals with osteoarthritis. The guggulsterones may be able to decrease cholesterol, while myrrhanol A has anti-inflammatory properties. Guggulipid has been found to inhibit platelet aggregation and improve fibrinolysis.

Triglycerides and Cholesterol

Commiphora mukul can reduce triglycerides by 22-30% and can reduce blood cholesterol by 14-27%. Also, experimental studies indicate that guggul extract could develop cardiac function and lower the risk of heart attack. Gugulipid was granted approval in India for sales as a lipid-lowering medicine in 1986.

Guggulsterones are responsible for guggul lipid-reducing activity. In lab experiments, a chemical in guggul named guggulsterone affects the production of cholesterol by the liver. At the “Central Drug Research Institute” in India lab animals were fed a high cholesterol diet to give them hypercholesterolemia. By simply adding guggul resin to their diets they reduced the blood fats while keeping them on the high cholesterol feed. 12-week a clinical study showed that 1500 mg of guggulipid had average decrease in serum cholesterol of approximately 22%, while triglycerides were reduced nearly 25% in participants who took it regularly. Another study involving 233 people with elevated triglycerides or cholesterol levels or both demonstrated that guggulipid worked better than the cholesterol-lowering medicine Clofibrate.

Heart Disease

Various researches have found that guggul decreases platelet stickiness so over clotting does not occur in the blood, which causes strokes and heart attacks. This is also auxiliary in fibrinolytic activity. In a clinical study, guggul in combination with Inula racemosa was studied in 200 participant with ischemic heart disease and found to improve electrocardiogram readings and reduce episodes of dyspnea and chest pain.


Guggul acts as anti-inflammatory factor that has the property to decrease joint pain, swelling, morning stiffness and other related symptoms. Small-scale clinical study, supplementation with 500 mg of a concentrated extract (3.5% guggulsterones) of guggul 3 times per day for 1 month resulted in a noteworthy development in symptoms in participants with osteoarthritis of the knee. C. mukul has  been reported to be a strong anti-inflammatory agent and has been compared to pharmaceutical agents, such as ibuprofen. The findings of an preliminary study  reported in the July 1977 edition of the journal Arzneimittelforschung showed that guggul may even be as effectual as the anti-inflammatory drugs ibuprofen and phenylbutazone. Potential activity on high-sensitivity C-reactive protein have lately been observed in a clinical study.


Antibiotic tetracycline is a general therapy for moderate to severe acne. A small controlled study compared oral guggul (dose equivalent to 25 mg guggulsterones or 500 mg of guggul 2 times per day) against tetracycline for the therapy of acne, reported equal results. According to the experiment findings, tetracycline reduced acne lesions for 65 % percent and gugulipid 68 %. Was made that participants with an oily complexion react better to gugulipid. (Journal of Dermatology October 1994)


The typical daily dose is between 75 and 150 mg. The guggul supplementation should be standardized to contain 2.5% guggulsterones. For acne, tablet containing 25 mg of guggulsterone has been taken  twice daily for 6 weeks. For triglyceride and cholesterol  25 mg of guggulsterone 3 to 4 times per day has been used. In a research evaluating the anti-inflammatory activity of guggul, 500 mg of gum guggul was used three times daily.

Side Effects

Guggul can generate adverse effects like , nausea, diarrhea, anorexia, headache, abdominal pain and skin irritation in some people. Commiphora Mukul is considered an emmenagogue and a uterine stimulant, and should not be used during gravidity.

Thuja Homeopathic Remedy and Warts

Homeopathy is a non-toxic system of medical science originated in Germany by Dr. Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopathic remedies are water-based or alcohol-based solutions containing tiny amounts of herbs, minerals, animal products, or chemicals. This method of treatment, is based on the principle that if high doses of a substance cause a symptom, very small doses of that same substance will remedy it. Practitioners of homeopathy treat the person with specially prepared, highly dilute preparations designed to stimulate a healing response and reinforce the body’s talent to heal itself.

Thuja Homeopathic Remedy

The thuja tree, which forms the source for the thuja homeopathic remedy, is a genus of coniferous trees belonging to the Homeopathic Remedy cupressaceae. Just the freshly obtained leaves and twigs of a young one year old thuja plant are used for preparing the homeopathic remedy thuja. Therapists of homeopathy recommend use of pretty dilute thuja, in liquid or pill form, for treatingdepression,  irritability,  warts,  rashes, headache,  runny nose, enlarged prostate, gonorrhea, tiredness, insomnia, fevers, shaking chills, muscle pain, back pain and joint pain. In addition, thuja is  made into homeopathic ointments or creams to be applied to the skin.


A wart is usually a small, rough growth, typically on a human’s hands or feet however frequently other locations, that can resemble a cauliflower or a solid blister. While can occur anywhere on the body, they are most common on the hands or the soles of the feet. There are as many as ten varieties of warts, the most common considered to be generally harmless. Most warts go away after 1 year or 2, but some last for years or come back after going away.

Thuja occidentalis, the most widespread remedy for various kinds of warts. The type of warts that thuja homeopathic remedy is effective for are the kind that can be very large and called “cauliflower warts”. This homeopathic remedy works to help the body rid itself of the scaly patches that appear, as well as the itchy skin and brown “age spots” that individuals tend to complain of. Warts have been demonstrated to decrease in size and disappear when treated with thuja homeopathic remedy in 6c potency taken daily. This homeopathic remedy is not recommended for plantar warts, but is effective for bleeding or painful warts other than on the feet.

Asafoetida Benefits and Dosage

Asafoetida, also called devil’s dung, is a perennial plant native to the Middle East. The name comes from the Farsi aza (resin) and the Latin foetidus (smelly).  Just grows in parts of Iran, Afghanistan and Kashmir. This interesting herb produces a gum from the roots that is harvested after the plant reaches maturity. Ferula asafoetida resin is produced by solidifying juice that comes out of cuts made in the plant’s living roots. Ferula asafoetida has pungent smell like sulphur, which dissipates on cooking.Indians add it to a spoon of hot ghee to decrease its odor and taste better. Due to the unpleasant odor of raw asafoetida, it is generally stored in airtight containers.

Asafoetida Benefits

Asafoetida is one of the herbal remedies which  used in eastern medicine for treating respiratory tract infections and cough. Antiviral effect has been showed in vitro against the influenza A virus (H1N1). In 2009, researchers at the “Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan” reported that the roots of Asafoetida produce natural antiviral medicine compounds that kill the swine flu virus, H1N1. Ayurvedic therapists use asafoetida in antispasmodic and anti-flatulent mixtures. There is some scientific finding that the chemicals in asafoetida might help treat IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Pungent sulphurous smell of Asafoetida is considered to calm  epilepsy and hysteria.


Traditionally, a daily dosage of asafetida resin 200 to 500 mg is used. If used in a raw form can  cause vomiting, nausea and may led to irritation of throat.