Echinacea Benefits and Immune System Effects

The Echinacea flower, is native to the Midwestern region of North America. Both the herb’s upper parts  and roots are used. For hundreds of years, the Plains Indians used it as an analgesic, an antiseptic,  and to treat poisonous insect and snakebites, wounds, sore throat, and communicable diseases such as measles, smallpox and mumps. In the mid-19th and early 20th centuries, echinacea was used for treating infection with anthrax, snake bites and as a pain reliever. Echinacea was included in the US National Formulary from 1916 to 1950. But, after the introduction of antibiotic drugs, echinacea use fell out of favor.

Echinacea Benefits and Studies

The main species of echinacea that are used medically are echinacea purpurea, echinacea angustifolia and echinacea pallida. Echinacea purpurea is the species most frequently used for research. Echinacea extracts may reduce the duration of illness and decrease the severity of cough, headache, and nasal congestion. Therapy of upper respiratory infections including influenza, colds, tonsillitis, sore throat, and otitis media for the most widespread use of echinacea. Many European researches, primarily done in Germany utilizing both injectable and orally administered echinacea preparations support its therapeutic efficacy in these diseases.

Some studies have shown that echinacea were more effective than placebo in decreasing the symptoms caused by URI (upper respiratory infections). Echinacea was shown to stimulate phagocytosis, increase mobility of leukocytes, stimulate TNF and interleukin 1 secretion from macrophages and lymphocytes, and enhance respiratory activity both in vitro and in vivo. The alkylamide, alkaloid, and polyacetylene fractions are thought responsible for such immunomodulatory activities. Clinical trials have provided some inconsistent results about the effectiveness of echinacea, although the majority of studies support its use. The contradictory findings may be due to the wide range of echinacea products  available, which can vary by species, part of the herb used in supplement preparation, dosage and
frequency of administration. On the other hand, the German Commission E (an official government agency similar to the FDA) approved echinacea root and juice extracts for treating respiratory infections and poorly healing wounds.

EchinaceaMany research done by scientists in Germany showed that echinacea is effective primarily by increasing the number of white blood cells, thereby boosting the immune system and increasing the body’s ability to fight infections. Echincaea has healing, anti-microbial, antiinflammatory and nonspecific, immune-stimulant activity, primarily through the stimulation of fibroblasts  and activation of phagocytosis. In other words, echinacea stimulates the overall activity of the cells responsible for fighting all kinds of infection. Unlike antibiotic drugs, which are directly lethal to bacteria, this herb makes our own immune cells more efficacious in attacking bacteria, viruses and abnormal cells, including cancer cells. The effect of echinacea is considered remarkable in its ability to stimulate the production and action of interferon. The chemical components of interferon are very important  in activating white blood cells to destroy cancer cells and viruses. Lab experiments have confirmed that extracts of the echinacea root contain interferon-like effects.

Scientists in 1989 reported that echinacea may stimulate the immune system, especially the cells that monoclonal antibodies target. Giving mice an ethanolic extract of echinacea roots led to increased phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils. The rate was tripled by echinacea purpurea, and doubled by echinacea angustifolia or echinacea pallida. In a clinical trial, 24 healthy men were given oral echinacea purpurea (Echinacin®) administered as 30 drops, 3 times a day. After 5 days, isolated neutrophils from the echinacea-treated group demonstrated significantly increased phagocytic activity (120%) compared to the placebo group.

In a study, German scientists investigated 2 different doses of echinacea purpurea on 180 men and women who had developed a flu-like or feverish infection. Participants taking 450 mg a day had no more relief than those taking the placebo. But participants given 900 mg a day did better than the placebo group. They reported modest improvement after 3 to 4 days. In a clinical study conducted over 8 days with tablets made from a proprietary water-alcohol extract of the fresh herb (95%) and roots (5%) of echinacea purpurea, 55 participants were given the herbal preparation and 64 received placebo. Thirteen of the echinacea group were allowed to use additional approved medication, such as nose drops and the fever-reducing medication paracetamol. The examining physician concluded that the echinacea preparation was effective in 68% of the participants in reducing several of 12 symptoms participants self-assessed the efficacy of the echinacea purpurea at 78% of the cases. A clinical study conducted on 160 participants demonstrated that a daily dose of 900 mg of the extract of echinacea purpurea root was effective in shortening the duration of upper respiratory tract infections (pharyngitis, sinusitis, cough) in infected adults, whether of viral or bacterial origin. In another clinical study of 32 patients suffering from the common cold, therapy with a preparation including echinacea purpurea root extract, as well as vitamin C, eucalyptus leaf, rosemary leaf, and fennel seed, significantly reduced illness duration (by one day) and reduced the number of tissues used.

A study reported in the British journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases finds that the echinacea cuts the chance of catching a cold by 58% and can reduce the duration of colds by a day and a half. Scientists from the “University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy“, combined the results of fourteen different studies on Echinacea’s anti-cold effects. In one of the fourteen studies the scientists reviewed, echinacea was taken alongside vitamin C. This combination reduced cold incidence by 86%. When echinacea was used alone it reduces cold incidence by 65%. Even when patients were directly inoculated with a rhinovirus echinacea reduced cold incidence by 35%.

Echinacea may alleviate sore throat when taken in combination with sage, according to a 2009 study from the “European Journal of Medical Research“. For the study, researchers treated 154 sore-throat patients with a throat spray containing either sage and echinacea or chlorhexidine and lidocaine. Findings showed that the two throat sprays were similarly beneficial in reducing sore throat symptoms. Goldenseal usually used in conjunction with echinacea to bolster the immune system. The two herbs have synergistic effects that increase the overall effectiveness of the combination. Echinacea naturally contains important  polysaccharides and phytosterols, while goldenseal contains strong alkaloids, including berberine and hydrastine.

A new study showed that echinacea has the capacity to enhance natural killer (NK) cells numbers, in aging mice, reflecting increased new natural killer cells production in the bone marrow, leading to an increase in the absolute numbers of NK cells in the spleen. Scientists at “McGill University“, studied the effect of taking echinacea intermittently, continuously, or just at the beginning of an disease. All the mice that received a daily dose of echinacea, throughout life, were still alive at 7 months, as opposed to the control mice, of which 79% were still alive. At about 13 months of age, the mice that consumed an untreated diet had a 46% survival rate while those consuming echinacea, had a 74% survival
rate. In a study in the U.S.A the pharmacological basis for the immunological activity of echinacea was studied by scientists at the Department of Medicine, University of California at Irvine Medical Center at Orange. Extracts of both panax ginseng and echinacea purpurea were examined for their capacity to stimulate cellular immune function by PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) from normal people and patients with either chronic fatigue syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.  Findings showed that the extracts enhanced cellular immune function of PBMC from both normal individuals and patients with depressed cellular immunity.

Any type of skin damage, whether caused by injury or infection can be treated with echinacea. One of the important actions of this herb is its property to inhibit a specific enzyme that weakens connective tissue cells when they are exposed to certain microorganisms. This enzyme is called hyaluronidase. The anti-hyaluronidase action of echinacea, particularly when applied as a poultice, can significantly prevent infection and enhance healing in burns, cuts, and abrasions. The anti-inflammatory effect of echinacea makes it a important remedy in fighting inflammatory skin diseases including eczema and psoriasis, and may even improve the body’s natural resistance to other conditions like herpes and
candida. The Echinacea root has been known to help the symptoms of psoriasis and bring relaxation to those that are in a constant state of discomfort. Of 4,598 patients with inflammatory skin problems (such as, eczema, burns, varicose ulcers of the leg, and a variety of skin wounds), including psoriasis, 85 percent were cured with topical applications of E. purpurea (leaves and flowers) salve (Wacker & Hilbig, 1978). In a German case series of 626 patients with minor burn injuries, all of whom were treated with an echinacea-containing ointment, of 628 adult patients with eczema, complete healing was noted within seven days for 82% (517). According to a study reported in April 2009 in the journal Intervirology, an extract from E. purpurea helps prevent recurrent infections with HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus type 1).One study showed that echinacea extract exerted an antiviral effect on the development of recurrent cold sores triggered by the herpes simplex virus when supplied prior to infection.

Echinacea have been shown to reduce the growth of Trichomonas vaginalis and lower the recurrence rates of Candida albicans infections. The favorable effect of echinacea purpurea leaf juice was showed in a German study of 203 women with recurrent vaginal yeast infections. All the participants were being treated with a topical econazole nitrate cream. Women using the econazole nitrate alone experienced a 60.5 % recurrence rate, while the women taking echinacea (oral Echinacin®) had a recurrence rate lowered to 16.7%. Human granulocytes and monocytes treated with echinacea purpurea extracts showed enhanced mobility and increased phagocytosis of Candida albicans by 30% – 45%.  Purified polysaccharides from echinacea purpurea inhibited Candida albicans growth in vitro. In immunosuppressed mice, prophylactic therapy with echinacea polysaccharides prior to infection with Candida albicans reduced renal Candida load by 80%, compared to controls. Also, echinacea therapy prior to infection with a lethal dose of Listeria monocytogenes reduced the bacterial counts in both  spleen and liver by 95% compared to the levels in control mice.

Burdock Health Benefits

Burdock (Arctium lappa), is a wild plant found in temperate regions. Historically, it has been used as a blood purifier to clear the bloodstream of toxins, as a diuretic, and as a topical remedy for skin diseases such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis. In Ayurvedic medicine, this plant is used for  pneumonia and upper respiratory infections.

Burdock Health Benefits and Researches

Pharmacological researches demonstrate that burdock roots have free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and antiproliferative properties. Burdock root contains high levels of inulin and mucilage. This may explain its relaxing benefits on the gastrointestinal tract. In vitro studies have exhibited that the polyacetylene component has antibacterial and fungistatic effects. Burdock root has showed activity in vitro against several gram negative bacteria; E. coli, Shigella sonnei, Shigella flexneri. An in vitro study, arctigenin is  found to be an effective inhibitor of HIV type-1 integrase. Arctigenin appears to have antimutagenic activities and inhibits tumor growth in vitro. Burdock demonstrated some cytostatic activity against certain cancer cell lines and inhibited tumor-promoting activity of Epstein Barr virus. Preliminary study has shown that burdock may have anti-cancer properties and enhance quality of life in cancer patients.

Burdock root operates as a diuretic. Diuretics help rid the body of excess water by stimulating an improved urine output. Burdock improves the performance of many of the organs which purify the body and eliminate toxins or waste. In the root, the active components have been found to “detoxify” blood in terms of   TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and promote blood circulation to the skin surface, improving the skin quality/texture and curing skin diseases like eczema. In all skin diseases, it is a herbal remedy and has effected a cure in many cases of eczema, either taken alone or combined with other herbal remedies, such as sarsaparilla and yellow dock. A clinical trial found that topical application of a formulation containing burdock extract appreciably improved dermal extracellular matrix metabolism and visibly reduced wrinkles.

Animal-based researches show that burdock may fight free radicals and reduce liver damage. In an animal model, subcutaneous administration of burdock crude extract exhibited free radical scavenging activity. Arctium lappa showed hepatoprotective effects in mice injected with acetaminophen or carbon tetrachloride, which was attributed to antioxidant activities.

Burdock contains compounds that might have activity against bacteria and inflammation. The root contains up to fourteen different polyacetylene compounds, which contain  antimicrobial and fungistatic effects. In a study in germany found that burdock root contains polyacetylenes, antifungal antibiotic and antifungal effects that help fight acne-causing bacteria and fungi that infect cracked skin. A new Dutch study found that burdock significantly inhibited skin allergy by reducing release of leukotrienes, which play a role in the inflammatory response.

Burdock contains inulin, (a natural dietary fiber), and is used to improve digestion. New researches confirm that burdock has prebiotic effects that could improve health. A study in England found that inulin promotes the growth of bacteria that have the property to control inflammation and eliminate unwanted pathogens. Due to its elevated inulin content, reserve polysaccharides contained in the root which are slightly sweet and remain unabsorbed by the organism, burdock is utilized to slow the digestion of carbohydrates, to reduce the absorption of glucose and to control conditions of hyperglycemia. One preliminary study found that burdock reduced proteinuria and improved post-meal blood glucose levels and lipid metabolism in people with diabetic nephropathy.

Menopause is the point in time when a woman’s menstrual periods stop. The physical and emotional symptoms of menopause may disrupt sleep, cause hot flashes, lower energy or  trigger anxiety or feelings of sadness and loss. Burdock is considered a  effective  and safe component in a blend of herbs for the amelioration of hormonal transitions and difficulties. Burdock is an plant with weak estrogen-like actions similar to soy. In a clinical study, a formula containing tinctures of burdock, dong quai, licorice, motherwort and wild yam was found to reduce symptoms of menopause.

Side Effects

Individuals who have allergies to the Asteraceae/Compositae family should avoid burdock. Burdock root is considered a uterine stimulant and should not be used by pregnant women. Because the roots of burdock closely resemble those of belladonna, there is a risk that burdock supplements may be contaminated with potentially dangerous herbs. Cases of burdock tea contaminated with belladonna alkaloids have been reported in the USA.

Artichoke Benefits and Health Effects

The artichoke is a member of the thistle family. The 2 compound  found in artichokes are silymarin and cynarin. Cynarin an active ingredient found in artichoke leaf is known to break down fats and improve bile flow. Also are rich in silymarin, an antioxidant that may improve liver health.

Artichoke Benefits and Researches

Artichoke is usually recommended for liver disease or damage, poor liver function and gallstones. It is also taken for digestive conditions like loss of, indigestion, appetite, bloating nausea, abdominal pain, and constipation. The active chemical compound in artichoke is cynarin. This ingredient is found in highest concentrations in the leaves. Artichokes also contain the flavonoid silymarin, a strong liver protectant. Like silymarin, cynara has showed important liver-protecting and regenerating properties.

Artichokes are high in the dietary fiber. A single boiled artichoke contains a whopping 10 g of fiber, and you’ll get 7 g of fiber from a half cup of artichoke hearts. The USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services ‘ Dietary Guidelines recommend women consume 21 to 25 g per day andmen consume 30 to 38 g per day of dietary fiber. Fiber has been found by scientists to be preventative for digestive disorders and colon cancer. Some of the strong antioxidants in artichokes are anthocyanins, rutin, quercetin, luteolin, silymarin, and cynarin. A July 2006 research examined the antioxidant levels of 1,113 foods and beverages and found that artichoke hearts had the highest level among all vegetables measured; they came in fourth among all foods and beverages tested. Antioxidants are associated with reducing the risk of cancers, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and other chronic diseases.

ArtichokeArtichoke leaf extract (ALEs) is made from the long, deeply serrated basal leaves of the artichoke plant. Some researches have shown that artichoke leaf extract can be beneficial for individuals suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and dyspepsia, or upset stomachs. Irritable bowel syndrome is a illness reported to affect up to 20 % of the general population. According to a research reported in the Aug 2004, issue of the “Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine“, artichoke leaf extract (ALEs) can improve symptoms of IBS. In a study done at the “University of Reading“, 208 participants who suffered from irritable bowel syndrome and dyspepsia were monitored over a 2-month period of intervention with artichoke leaf extract. Results demonstrated a 26 % reduction in irritable bowel syndrome incidence among the patients at the end of the study. Dyspepsia symptoms decreased by 41% after therapy, and the patients noted a 20% increase in quality of life after therapy.

Commission E (Germany’s regulatory agency for herbs) approves the use of artichoke leaf for dyspeptic problems. In a study demonstrated an improvement of symptoms in 50% of participants with dyspeptic syndrome after 14 days of therapy with artichoke-leaf extract. In a 2003 study reported in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics , 129 participants with functional dyspepsia were given 640 mg of ALEs (artichoke-leaf extract) daily, while 115 patients took a placebo. After 6 weeks of therapy; those who received ALEs reported a significantly greater reduction in symptoms and improvement in quality of life than patients who took a placebo. In one study of 553 participants, digestive disturbances improved after 6 weeks of treatment with artichoke leaf extract on average 70%. Improvements in flatulence (68%), severe constipation (71%), loss of appetite (72%), abdominal pain (76%), nausea (83%) and vomiting (88%) were noted. These improvements of symptoms were seen after 2 to 6 weeks of therapy.

Artichoke extract is made from the leaf of the artichoke and called Cynara scolymus. Artichoke leaf extracts have showed important benefits and potential as an antioxidant and hepatoprotective. A 1987 study that focused on the effects of rat liver cells (hepatocytes) subjected to harmful chemical agents found both cynarin and caffeic acids to have important protective properties. The use of ALEs clearly indicated an apparent decreased of liver injury. As reported in the Sept 2008 issue of “Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology“, scientists studied whether pre-treatment with artichoke extract could protect against liver damage. Researchers found that artichoke extract administered prior to exposure to a known liver toxin demonstrates the ability to prevent liver injury. Important findings were showed in a open label study of 417 patients with liver or bile duct disease. Most of these participants had long-standing symptoms. These participants were treated with ALEs for four weeks. After 1 week, approximately 70% of the participants experienced healing of their symptoms, and after 4 weeks, this proportion was 85%.

Researches have shown that the antioxidants quercetin, rutin, and gallic acid found in artichoke leaf extract are able to induce apoptosis and reduce the proliferation of cancer cells. Studies done with artichoke leaf extract have found that they induce apoptosis and reduce cell proliferation in many different forms of cancer, including  leukemia, breast and prostate cancer. Artichoke polyphenols induce apoptosis and reduces the invasive potential of the human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB231. One in vitro study using the MDA-MB 231 breast cancer cell line showed that the polyphenols of artichoke was able to induce 60% apoptosis at 600 uM concentration over 24 hours.

Glucosamine Benefits and Osteoarthritis Treatment

Glucosamine plays an substantial role in building cartilage. It is an critical component in the body’s ability to make GAGs (glycosaminoglycans) and proteoglycans which are compounds of cartilage. They, are the core materials used by the body to make cartilage, synovial fluid and other elements of the skeletal system. As a person ages, the amount of glycosaminoglycans decreases leaving tissues and joints susceptible to pain and injury. Taking glucosamine supplements (glucosamine in most supplements is derived from shellfish) can increase the body’s production of proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans significantly and improve the natural repair process.

Glucosamine Benefits and Arthritis Treatment

Glucosamine sulphate is often used to reduce pain and swelling in people suffering from osteoarthritis, the most widespread form of arthritis. It is also used to treat symptoms of TMJ (temporomandibular joint) arthritis in the jaw. Several studies demonstrate that glucosamine may be an effective therapy for osteoarthritis. These studies suggest that glucosamine; 1-Reduces osteoarthritis pain, 2-Improves function in patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis, 3-Reduces joint swelling and stiffness, 4-Provides relaxation from osteoarthritis symptoms for up to three months after therapy is stopped. As a supplement, glucosamine sulfate provides the raw material needed by the body to manufacture a mucopolysaccharide found in cartilage. There are different forms of glucosamine including glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride (HCL), and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). Glucosamine sulfate is the most researched form of glucosamine. Glucosamine may be administered via intramuscular, intravenous, or oral routes.

GlucosamineIn osteoarthritis, there is a progressive degeneration of cartilage GAG (glycosaminoglycans). Glucosamine is a important structural component within joint tissue and is the starting point of the synthesis of several major macromolecules including glycoproteins, glycolipids and glycosaminoglycans. Glucosamine facilitates the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), and therefore replenishing the availability of these molecules would slow the degeneration of cartilage. According to a study reported in the Jan, 2001 edition of the Lancet, glucosamine helps control osteoarthritis.

In a study, which included 318 patients, glucosamine sulphate had a important benefit over a placebo and an even stronger effect than paracetamol in improving both pain and function. A 3-year study of 212 participants found indications that glucosamine may protect joints from further damage. Over the course of the study, patients given glucosamine demonstrated some improvements in pain and mobility, Also, x-rays showed that glucosamine therapy prevented progressive damage to the knee joint. At the end of the study, participants taking glucosamine had no joint-space narrowing, whereas participants taking placebo had an average joint-space loss of 0.31 mm after 3 years.

In another clinical trial, 60 patients with primary osteoarthritis in either one or both knees were randomised to receive a 1500 mg sachet of glucosamine or a placebo. After twelve weeks, there were no improvements in the placebo group but those who received glucosamine sulphate reported important improvements in resting and moving pain, overall pain, stiffness and function. A study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine evaluated osteoarthritis patients over 3 years during which 202 participants were given glucosamine while others were given a placebo. Glucosamine sulfate slowed the progress of knee arthritis, and the participants taking glucosamine reported a diminution in pain as well as stiffness compared with the placebo group. Participants taking glucosamine had no joint-space narrowing, while participants taking placebo had a joint-space narrowing of 0.19 mm.

Glucosamine sulfate is a safe alternative to NSAID pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and aspirin. A 1994 study in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage showed that glucosamine was as powerful as ibuprofen drug for controlling the symptoms of osteoarthritis. In a study involving 178 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, those taking glucosamine sulphate 1500 mg daily for 4 weeks demonstrated improvements similar to those seen with ibuprofen 1200 mg daily. The important advantage of taking glucosamine sulfate is that it does not have any of the adverse effects commonly associated with NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen or Aspirin, or COX-2 such as Celebrex, the medications that have been used for the therapy of arthritis.

The medical journal Clinical Drug Investigation findings one study found MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), when used along with glucosamine sulfate, was effective for reducing inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee. New studies have shown that the combination of chondroitin and glucosamine may be effective in reducing moderate to severe knee pain from osteoarthritis. Like glucosamine sulfate, chondroitin helps produce substances necessary for the formation of connective tissue. Also, chondroitin may have the ability to protect existing cartilage from prematurely breaking down by inhibiting cartilage-destroying enzymes. The combined use is known to produce a synergistic effect. One study reported in the February, 2006, edition of the “New England Journal of Medicine” concluded glucosamine taken with chondroitin sulfate, benefited those with moderate-to-severe osteoarthritis pain.

The most common kind of arthritis, called osteoarthritis, causes degeneration of cartilage and bone at the joints and can occur at the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) arthritis. Some researches shows that taking glucosamine sulfate works about as well as the NSAID ibuprofen for relieving jaw pain. The Journal of Rheumatology reported a study which concluded glucosamine and ibuprofen reduce pain levels in patients with TMJ degenerative joint disease. Other study has concluded a reduction in pain associated with combination treatment of chondroitin sulfate (1200mg) and glucosamine hydrochloride (1500mg) for a period of twelve weeks.


For osteoarthritis, the standard adult dose of glucosamine used in most studies was 500 mg of glucosamine sulfate taken three times a day. 1,500 milligrams dose taken once daily is another option. Some publications use 20 mg for each kilogram of body weight per day. Glucosamine is also available as an injectable form that your physician can insert directly into a joint.

Side Effects

Glucosamine may cause mild stomach upset, nausea, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea. Since glucosamine can be made from the shells of crab, shrimp, and other shellfish, individuals with shellfish allergy may have an allergic reaction to glucosamine products. Glucosamine may increase the risk of bleeding, especially if you also take blood thinners like aspirin, clopidogrel or warfarin. Glucosamine may affect your insulin or other blood-sugar-lowering drug. Some studies have shown that when taken in pill form, glucosamine has no effect on insulin, however, when taken by injection, glucosamine may cause insulin resistance.

Stinging Nettle BPH Treatment and Researches

Stinging Nettle are from the plant family of Urticaceae. Urtica urens and Urtica dioica are botanically very similar and are usually distributed together in the wild. Especially useful for men, nettle root plays a key role in promoting a healthful prostate and urinary tract function. Nettle root is used widely in Europe to treat BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia).

Stinging Nettle and Prostate Health

Nettle root has 5-alpha reductase enzyme blocking properties and is thus beneficial for conditions associated with an enlarged prostate, such as frequent or difficult urination. This enzyme converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, a strong androgen hormone associated with prostate enlargement, low testosterone levels in older men. Nettle root has been shown to inhibit the binding of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) to the prostate cell membrane. Several researches have showed a combination of nettle root,  pygeum, saw palmetto, and pumpkin seed may be effective as an BPH therapy and in reducing post urination dripping, improving urinary flow, emptying the bladder completely, and decreasing frequent nighttime urination.

Lab experiments have shown stinging nettle to be comparable to finasteride (Proscar®) in slowing the growth of certain prostate cells. The polysaccharide fraction, of the 20 percent methanolic extract of nettle roots, was able to decrease the induced growth of prostate gland by 33 % in mice. Germany Universitätsklinik Essen formally investigated the efficacy of nettle root extract and found the antiphlogistic and antiproliferative properties of the nettle extract to provide a safe treatment option for enlarged prostate.

Since 1995, three clinical trials of a nettle/saw palmetto combination have been reported in German medical journals. The studies used two capsules per day of 120 mg nettle root extract and 160 mg saw palmetto extract. The Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy, 2005 published a study investigating nettle (Urtica dioica)  for the therapy of BPH. It has been found that patients with BPH that underwent nettle therapy for six months showed  an improved urinary flow rate, lower postvoid residual urine volume and smaller prostate gland size.

In a study in Poland 134 people with symptoms of BPH were assigned to receive 2 capsules of the standard dose of an nettle (300 mg) and pygeum africanum bark extract (25 mg) or two capsules containing half the standard dose, twice daily for 8 weeks. After 28 days of therapy, urine flow, residual urine, and nycturia were significantly decreased in both treatment groups. After 56 days of therapy, further significantly decreased in both treatment groups. Clinical studies held in the University Clinics of Cologne in Germany, for people suffering from LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms), caused by BHP proved to have a higher success rate of 34% for those taking the roots of nettle (Urtica dioica) compared with the patients who took Tamsulosin drug.