Neem Benefits and Therapeutic Effects

The Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is an evergreen tree that is part of the mahogany family. The leaves, bark, flowers, and seeds are used to make remedy. Neem leaves have been used traditionally for leprosy, skin ulcers, eye disorders, stomach upset, diabetes,  diseases of the heart and blood vessels, fever, gingivitis, and liver disorders.

Neem Benefits for Health

Neem has been commonly used in traditional Indian ayurvedic, and homoeopathic medicine and has become a cynosure of modern medicine. More than 140 compounds have been isolated from different parts of neem. The therapeutic properties have been described particularly for neem leaf. Neem leaf and its constituents have been showed to exhibit immunomodulatory, antioxidant, nantimutagenic, anticarcinogenic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antimalarial, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, and antihyperglycaemic effects.


Neem oil relieves dry skin and soothes itchy, red, irritated skin. Neem oil contains high levels of antioxidants, which help protect the skin from free radicals caused by over-exposure to sun, environmental toxins and other damaging factors. A study published in May 2001 (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition) scientists found that fatty acids, which are found in neem, provided some protection against ultraviolet light, the cause of photoging. Because neem contains antibacterial effects, it is highly helpful in treating epidermal conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. Experiments have shown that people with psoriasis who have taken neem leaf orally, combined with tropical therapy with neem extracts and neem seed oil, achieve results at least as favorable as those who use coal tar and cortisone. A study in 1979 demonstrated neem extract to be beneficial in treating ringworm, scabies, eczema, and some forms of dermatitis.


neemNeem seed and leaf have anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-viral effects. In test tubes, neem has been shown to have important properties on both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms and other bacteria that cause a wide array of human and animal diseases including Escherichia coli, streptococcus and salmonella. A 0.2% concentration of neem had the same anti-bacterial property as penicillin G. Its antiseptic effects help to prevent periodontal diseases. In a scientific review published in the June 2002 edition of the “Current Science“, the authors concluded that neem oil has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action in vitro against fourteen different strains of pathogenic bacteria. In a clinical trial, a cream containing neem seed extract, saponins of Sapindus mukerossi and quinine hydrochloride eliminated all symptoms in 10 of 14 women with chlamydia compared with none of 4 women given placebo cream.

Gum Disease

Neem oil is used in lotions, soaps, shampoos, and toothpastes. It helps treat fungal infections, lice, dry scalp, skin disorders, and gingivitis. Neem oil is frequently added to natural toothpastes as a purifier and as an antimicrobial agent that helps prevent dental diseases. Mouthwashes containing neem can significantly inhibit the growth of the bacteria Streptococcus mutans in the mouth, according to a study reported in the  2001 of the Indian Journal of Dental Research. Applying neem leaf extract gel to the teeth and gums twice  daily for six weeks might reduce plaque formation, according to developing research. In 2004, a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology; 36 men were assigned to 6 weeks of therapy with either a gel containing neem extract, or a mouthwash containing chlorhexidine gluconate. Study findings demonstrated that the neem-based gel was more effective in reducing plaque buildup than the mouthwash.

Mosquito Repellent

Some researches demonstrates that neem oil may help protect against insect bites. Neem’s mosquito repellent effects are an important weapon in the fight against malaria in third world countries. In 1994 the the Malaria Research Centre of Delhi, investigated whether kerosene lamps with 1% neem oil can protect people from mosquito bites. Neem oil openly reduced the number of bites on the volunteers and the number of mosquitoes caught. In a study reported in the “Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health” in 1995, researchers discovered that a blend of neem oil and coconut oil may act as a mosquito repellent. Different concentrations of neem oil mixed in coconut oil were applied to the exposed body parts of volunteers. Results showed 81%-91% protection during 12 hour period of observation from the bites of anopheline mosquitoes. In another study, repellent action of neem oil was studied against different mosquito species. 2% neem oil mixed in coconut oil provided 96-100% protection from anophelines, 85% from Aedes, 37.5% from Armigeres whereas it demonstrated wide range of efficacy from 61-94% against Culex spp. A July 2008 study reported in the Malaria Journal shows the 50% reduction in the mosquito population after applying neem seed powder to mosquito breeding areas.

Head Lice

Head louse infestations are prevalent worldwide. Neem effectively kills lice in all stages of their life cycle. An anti-louse shampoo (Licener®) based on a neem was studied in vitro and in vivo on its efficacy to eliminate head louse infestation by a single therapy. In a 2011 study reported in “Parasitology Research“, the hair of 12 children being selected from a larger group due to their intense infestation with head lice were incubated for 10 minute with the neem-based shampoo. It was found that after this short exposition period, none of the lice had survived, when being observed for 22 hour. Other living head lice were in vitro incubated within the undiluted product. It was seen that a total submersion for just 3 minute prior to washing 3× for 2 minute with tap water was sufficient to kill all motile stages.

The eggs (nits) of head and body lice were incubated for 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 or 45 min into a neem seed extract contained in a fine shampoo formulation (Wash Away® Louse provided by Alpha-Biocare GmbH, Düsseldorf). It was found that an incubation time of just 5 minute was enough to prohibit any hatching of larvae, whilst 93 ± 4% of the larvae in the untreated controls of body lice hatched respectively approximately 76% of the controls in the case of head lice. In a study 60 heavily lice-infested female and male children were selected and subjected to the therapy with a neem seed based shampoo. Twenty to thirty ml of the neem seed extract shampoo were thoroughly mixed with completely wet hair and rubbed in to reach the skin of the scalp. After 10, 15 and 30 minute, the neem shampoo was washed out. The neem seed shampoo proved to be extremely powerful against all stages of head lice. At the pediatric clinic of Iserlohn a study was conducted on a product under the name of “Neem-Extrakt FT-Shampoo”. In this clinical study, children were treated both for head lice and scab mites. With head lice, the therapy was especially successful when the hair was shampooed on the 1st, 3rd and 10th day.

Birth Control

Vaginal suppositories and creams made with neem oil are becoming the birth control method of popular in India. Several studies demonstrated that neem oil appears to be a safe and  effective contraceptive, pre and post coital. When tested against human sperm neem extract at 1000 mg was able to kill all sperm in only 5 minutes and required only 30 minutes at a 250 mg level. Neem oil appears to be the most powerful form of neem for birth control, especially hexane extracted neem oil. After a single injection of a minute amount of neem oil in the uterine horns, a potent cell-mediated immune response reaction produced a long term and reversible block in fertility (up to 12 months).

This herb may become the first  effective birth control “pill” for men. In both India and the United States, studies show neem extract reduces fertility in male monkeys without it hurting libido or sperm production. Neither neem leaf extract in water nor neem leaf oil alters the rate spermatogenesis. But, neem seed oil and neem bark extract caused arrest of spermatogenesis within two months, with a decrease in the number of Leydig cells. Male antifertility activity of neem leaf extract was examined in rats. The infertility effect was seen in treated male rats as there was a 66 % decreased in fertility after 6 weeks, 80% after 9 weeks, and 100% after 11 weeks. Neem leaf tablets ingested for one month produced reversible male antifertility without affecting sperm production or libido. In a test of neem’s birth control properties with members of the Indian Army, daily oral doses of several drops of neem seed oil in gelatin capsules were given to 20 married soldiers. The effect took 6 weeks to become 100% effective, it remained effective during the entire year of the study and was just reversed 6 weeks after a man no longer took the capsules.


Traditional Indian ayurvedic medicine has recommended the use of neem leaf, seed, and bark, for reducing arthritic pain and inflammation and for halting the progression of the disease. Clinical trials have showed that the anti-inflammatory effects of various compounds in neem leaves are equally as effective as phenyl butazone and cortisone. Neem leaf and bark extracts have been shown to be a more strong inhibitor of prostaglandin synthetase than acetylsalicylic acid and pethidine hydrochloride. A study at the Department of Pharmacology at Rajshahi Medical College, scientists found that neem extract has a important effect on inflammation.The anti-inflammatory effects of azadirachtin, the active ingredient in neem oil have been established. A study reported in the February 2010 edition of the Journal of Biological Chemistry demonstrated hat azadirachtin support an anti-inflammatory response in human skin cell lines by blocking the expression of certain enzymes involved in producing inflammation, such as COX-2 (cyclooxygenase 2).


Neem is known to have powerful gastroprotective and antiulcer properties. Standardized aqueous extract of neem leaves has been reported to show both ulcer protective and ulcer healing effects in normal as well as in diabetic rats. The effect of neem extract on gastric ulceration was examined in albino rats. Neem extract (100-800 mg/kg po, 100-25 mg/kg ip) significantly inhibited gastric ulceration induced by indomethacin (40 mg/kg). In a 2004 clinical trial at the “Indian Institute of Clinical Biology” demonstrates neem bark causes important decreases in gastric acid secretion (77%), as well as gastric secretion volume (63%) and pepsin activity (50%). The bark extract when taken at the dose of 30–60 mg twice daily for 10 weeks nearly completely healed the duodenal ulcers monitored by barium meal X-ray or by endoscopy. One case of esophageal ulcer and one case of gastric ulcer healed completely when treated at the dose of 30 mg twice daily for six weeks.


Neem seed and leaf extracts have antiviral effects. Neem acts as an antiretroviral agent via inhibition of viral invasion of host cells. Neem has been shown to be efficacious against herpes virus and the viral DNA polymers of the hepatitis B virus. Research at “Johns Hopkins University” demonstrated that neem “provided significant protection” against the Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) in mice infected with the extremely infectious virus. A study in the Aug 2010 edition of the Phytotherapy Research showed that neem bark extract inhibit the entry of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 into the target cells in the lab and may help prevent or treat herpes infections. The antiviral and virucidal effect of an extract of neem leaves was investigated to determine its activity against the Coxsackie B group of viruses. Neem leaves extract inhibited the replication of 6 types of Coxsackie virus B. Observations of virus inactivation and population reduction in the experiment showed that neem was most powerful against Coxsackie virus B-4 early in its replicative cycle. A 2002 research findings that neem leaf extract inhibits the growth of Dengue virus, type 2, a viral hemorrhagic fever related to Ebola. In vitro tests demonstrated it completely inhibited the virus. In vivo tests conducted on mice demonstrated the neem leaf extract resulted in inhibition of the virus as confirmed by the absence of symptoms.  Ten HIV-positive participants were included in a study. Bodyweight, blood cell count, and CD4+ cell count were measured before and after the trial period. All received capsules containing neem extract (1000 mg), once daily for 30 days. The increases in body weight and blood cell count after 30 days was important among all subjects. The scientists also found that neem extract protected 75% of human cells in a test tube from the HIV virus.


Several components found in neem leaves may be helpful in cancer therapy including the  vitamin C, beta carotene  quercetin, azadirachtin, azadirone, deoxonimbolide, kaemferol, nimbolide and glucopyranoside. An ethanolic extract of neem leaf reduced the incidence of chemical-induced gastric tumors in mice; and neem-treated monocytes induced apoptosis in cervical and prostate cancer cells. In India, Japan  and Europe researchers have found that polysaccharides and liminoids in neem bark, leaves and seed oil reduced tumors and cancers and were effective against lymphocytic leukemia. Neem leaf extract demonstrated an adjuvant immune response to tumor growth in mice as well as protection from leucopenia caused by chemotherapy. Neem extract may help kill prostate cancer cells, according to a research reported in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in April 2006. A 2011 research reported in “Cancer Biology and Therapy” showed that neem may offer anti-cancer effects, including immune-stimulating and tumor-suppressing activities. A new research, performed with mice and  rats, showed that the inclusion of a preparation from neem leaf added to an antigen helped create higher quantities of an immune antibody beneficial for shielding against breast cancer.

Side Effects

Don’t take any neem products internally if you are trying to conceive a child. Taking neem oil internally is not recommended, for children. Oral administration of neem oil resulted in serious poisoning in children. These severe adverse effects include  blood disorders, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, brain disorders, and death. Neem oil has been found to produce Reye’s syndrome symptoms in infants who are exposed to neem oils.

Flaxseed Benefits and Nutrition Facts

Flaxseeds (Linum usitatissimum L.)  are the tiny, brown seeds of the flax plant. The seeds produce a fixed oil known as linseed oil or flaxseed oil. Flaxseed’s therapeutic effects come from the fact that it’s high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as phytochemicals called lignans. Flax has been shown to help prevent heart disease, reduce symptoms of inflammatory disorders, protect against cancer, and ease the effects of Type 2 diabetes.

Flaxseed Benefits and Studies

Flax contains disease-fighting compounds, primarily the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid (ALA),  lignans and fiber. Flaxseed acts like a laxative because of its fiber content. Phytoestrogens (lignans), may help protect against some kinds of cancer. Other health effects of flaxseed, such as protection from heart disease and arthritis, are due to a high concentration of the omega-3 fatty acid ALA. Flaxseed contains 35% of its mass as oil, of which 55% is ALA. Other foods and oils contain ALA. However, at approximately 7 g per tablespoon, flaxseed oil is by far the richest source. Flax seed has been given in studies at doses from 15 to 50 g/day.


Flax is an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, providing 3 g of fiber per tablespoon. This helps keep the bowels regular. Flaxseed’s laxative effects come from the fiber and mucilage content in the seeds. Approximately 40% of flax seed is made up of fiber, about 10% soluble fiber and 30% insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel that travels through intestines. Insoluble fiber stays intact, travels through gut and helps pass food. If you are taking flax seed for constipation, consume 2 tbsp. Like other sources of fiber, flaxseed should be taken with plenty of fluids. In a clinical trial, 55 participants with chronic constipation caused by irritable bowel syndrome received either ground flaxseed or psyllium seed  daily for three months. Those taking flaxseed had significantly fewer problems with constipation, abdominal pain. Commission E (Germany’s regulatory agency for herbs) authorizes the use of flaxseed for various digestive problems, such as chronic constipation, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and general stomach discomfort.

Menopausal Symptoms

A few studies have shown flaxseed to be as efficacious in treating hot flashes and night sweats as hormone replacement therapy. Flaxseed has been given in doses of 25 to 40 g/day in studies and demonstrated effect in postmenopausal women suffering hot flushes. A 2002 study in Obstetrics and Gynecology found that flax seed supplements were equally as effective as hormone replacement therapy in reducing menopausal symptoms. In a clinical trial, 28 women consumed four tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily—two in the morning, two at night. After 6 weeks, the frequency of their hot flashes dropped, on average, from 7.3 to 3.6 a day. In a study was conducted on 188 women in 2009 and found no statistically significant difference in mean hot flash scores between women taking flaxseed and those taking a placebo. Osteoporosis is characterised by low bone mass, which leads to an increase risk of fractures, particularly the hips, spine and wrists. Animal-based studies demonstrate that adding flaxseed oil to the diet could reduce the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal and women with diabetes, according to a report to be published in the International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health.


FlaxseedFlax contains lignans and ALA, both of which decrease inflammatory reactions. Lignans and ALA block the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Flax ALA has been shown to lower blood levels of a compound called (CRP) C-reactive protein. (Patients with elevated basal levels of CRP are at an increased risk for, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. CRP levels of 0.3 mg/dL or greater are related with a higher risk of death in patients with acute coronary syndromes). Through these properties, flax consumption may help prevent and treat disorders characterized in part by an over-stimulated immune system. Such disorders include atherosclerosis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and multiple sclerosis.

ALA in flaxseed enhances phospholipid ALA, DHA and EPA levels in mononuclear cells, neutrophils, lipoproteins, and platelets. This change in membrane phospholipid content results in reduced biosynthesis of arachidonic acid from linoleic acid and decreased production of the proinflammatory eicosanoids, LTB4 (leukotriene B4) and TXA2 (thromboxane A2). Lignans have been shown to decrease the production of tumor necrosis factor alpha and IL-6 in microglial cells of rats. In a clinical trial of 28 healthy men, consuming flax oil for four weeks resulted in a decrease in tumor necrosis factor alpha and IL-1ß production of approximately 30% in mononuclear cells. In the Nurses’ Health Study, the greater the ALA intake, the reduce the concentration of the inflammatory markers in the blood. These results indicate  that ALA helps reduce inflammation and therefore lowers chronic  disease risk.


Flaxseed decreases the production of major systemic markers of inflammatory activity, including eicosanoids, cytokines and platelet-activating factor. Flax is very high in the omega-3 fat ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). Two other omega-3 fats are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). All of these omega-3 fatty acids help lessen inflammation, which is a trigger for heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. In a clinical trial, the ALA content of red blood cell membranes increased 225%, and their content of EPA increased 150%, in healthy men who ate a diet enriched with flax oil for twelve weeks.

The results of one large cohort study and two clinical trials indicate that flax and its essential omega-3 fat (ALA), decrease the blood levels of soluble cell adhesion molecules. Cell adhesion molecules are biomarkers of early events in the development of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Results from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study of 45,722 men showed that each one gram of ALA in the daily diet was associated with a 47% lower risk of heart disease among men with low intakes of DHA and EPA.

Populations with high intakes of ALA have a low risk of cardiovascular diseases such as CHD (coronary heart disease) and stroke. In a case-control study  of 96 middle-aged men with incident stroke, found that a significant 0.06% increase in phospholipid ALA content was associated with a 28% decrease in the risk of stroke. A 0.13% increase in the serum level of ALA was linked with a 37% decrease in the risk of stroke. In the Lyon Diet Heart Study, ALA was associated with a reduction risk of recurrent fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarction, and a 73% decreased in risk of primary end points between the experimental and control groups.  Some researches have showed that diets rich in flaxseed omega-3s help prevent hardening of the arteries and keep plaque from being deposited in the arteries partly by keeping white blood cells from sticking to the blood vessels’ inner linings. Regular use of flaxseed may influence the progression of atherosclerosis. Lignans in flaxseed have been shown to lessen atherosclerotic plaque buildup by up to 75%.

Arrhythmias usually precede a myocardial infarction and may ultimately cause death. Omega-3 fatty acids may protect against arrhythmia by helping heart muscle cells remain stable electrically and by preventing them from becoming hyperexcitable. In test tube studies of rat heart cells, omega-3 fats decreased the electrical excitability of the heart cells, making them less likely to develop abnormal heart rhythms. Pure preparations of ALA, DHA  and  EPA are equally good at protecting against fatal arrhythmias in dogs. In a study, pure solutions of ALA, EPA and DHA were infused separately. All three omega-3 fats reduced significantly the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation and protected a majority of dogs from fatal arrhythmias. According to a study; eating flaxseed was associated with reduced blood pressure in people with hypertension. A research team led by Dr. Grant Pierce, assessed 110 hypertensive patients with peripheral artery disease, which is strongly associated with high blood pressur. They sought to determine if adding 30 g of milled flaxseed each day for 6 months would lower blood pressure. In the placebo group, systolic blood pressure increased slightly while diastolic blood pressure remained steady. In the flaxseed group, systolic blood pressure dropped an average 15 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure fell an average 8 mm Hg. “These anti-hypertensive effects of flax seed are amongst the most strong ever observed,” Dr. Grant Pierce said. “The change in blood pressure from flaxseed could result in about a 50% reduction of strokes and 30 % less heart attacks.”


Flax contains lignans which reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Flaxseed has been shown to affect intracellular signals within the body that may play a role in breast and prostate cancer growth. Lignans are estrogen-like chemical compounds with antioxidant effects able to scavenge free radicals in the body. Flaxseed is considered to be one of the most important sources of lignans. Flax contains up 75 to 800 times more lignans than other plant sources, such as whole grains and legumes. (When flaxseed is eaten, the lignans are activated by bacteria in the intestine. But, flaxseed oil does not contain the lignan).

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) in flax seed has shown promising results in reducing the risk of cancer because of its high concentration of lignans. These compounds interfere with the cancer-promoting effects of estrogen by binding to estrogen receptors. Flaxseed inhibits the growth and metastasis of human breast cancer, prostate cancer and melanoma in vitro and in mice. In a cell culture study, flaxseed lignans reduced stickiness and movement of breast cancer cells, both properties related to the cancer’s ability to spread or metastasize.

A 2004 article reported in the Nutrition Journal reports that eating flaxseed, along with plenty of fruits and vegetables, can help reduce risk of cancer. In a study, mice were injected with human cancer cells and then fed a typical laboratory chow diet for eight weeks. At eight weeks, rats were randomly assigned into a group that continued with the chow diet or to a 10% flaxseed diet. At the end of the study period, flax seed supplementation was shown to reduce the tumor growth rate and reduce metastasis by 45%. In another study reported in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research in 2010, flaxseed oil prevented breast tumors from growing in cancer patients.

Findings from a “Duke University Medical Center” small study on pre-surgical prostate cancer patients indicate “a flaxseed-supplemented, fat-restricted diet may affect prostate cancer biology and associated biomarkers”. In a clinical trial, ate a low-fat diet with 30 g of flaxseed daily lowered PSA (prostate specific antigen) levels in men with a precancerous prostate condition called prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia. In a study of 25 men with prostate cancer found that a low-fat diet along with flaxseed reduced serum testosterone, slowed the growth rate of cancer cells, and increased the death rate of cancer cells. One study presented at the 43rd annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology  demonstrated that consuming flaxseed can stop prostate cancer tumors from growing. “Excited that this study showed  that flaxseed is safe and associated with a protective effect on prostate cancer “ said Dr Wendy Demark-Wahnefried. After flax seed is consumed, its lignans are converted in the intestine into enterolactone, which then enter the bloodstream. New findings suggests that flaxseed may help avert prostate cancer by boosting blood levels of useful enterolactones. In a study that investigated blood enterolactone levels in men with prostate cancer versus healthy controls, men with the highest enterolactone levels were 82% less likely to have prostate cancer.

Cod Liver Oil Benefits and Studies

Cod liver oil is extracted from cod, which is a cold-water fish. This  oil has a long history of use and great cultural importance for the people of Ireland, Scotland, northern Europe, and Iceland, where it is consumed to treat rickets, rheumatism, and a variety of diseases. Cod liver oil is extracted from cod livers, whereas fish oil is extracted from the body flesh of fish. Cod liver oil contains much more vitamins A and D per unit weight than regular fish oil. The types of omega-3 oils are the same for both products.

Cod Liver Oil Benefits and Researches

Cod liver oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin D. The vitamin A in cod liver oil supports immune system. This vitamin regulates critical functions such as cell division and bone growth and helps keep the skin healthy.Vitamin A deficiency is a important cause of blindness in the world.

Vitamin D is necessary to keep a balance between phosphorus and calcium in the body. Vitamin D affects DNA through vitamin D receptors, which bind to specific locations of the human. Researchers have mapped the points at which vitamin D interacts with our DNA – and identified over two hundred genes that it directly influences. Deficiency of vitamin D is associated to rickets, bone softening, osteoporosis, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 diabetes. Several findings indicate that adequate levels of vitamin D may reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis, some cancers, high blood pressure and autoimmune disorders. A individual’s vitamin D level is gauged by measuring the blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. When levels go below 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) the person has vitamin D deficiency.

Cod liver oil is rich in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA is the precursor of important prostaglandins, localized tissue hormones that help the body deal with inflammation; and DHA is very important for the development and function of the brain and nervous system. In several studies, the elongated omega-3 fats found in cod liver oil have been shown to improve brain function, memory, immune response, asthma, allergies, learning and behavioral disorders.


Cod Liver OilRickets is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. Insufficiency of vitamin D can lead to rickets in children (soft bones that can be painful and deformed) and osteomalacia in adults (soft bones, bone pain, and muscle weakness). Vitamin D can prevent and treat some bone problems such as rickets in children  and osteomalacia in adults. By  clinical studies conducted in Vienna between 1919 and 1922, Dr Harriette Chick and her coworkers were able to confirm the preventive and therapeutic value of cod liver oil and sunlight against rickets in young infants. With the discovery of vitamin D and the delineation of the antirachitic effects of cod liver oil by the 1930s, it became possible to not just treat but also eradicate rickets in the United States.


Vitamin D deficiency, which is usually seen in older people, can lead to osteoporosis and is associated to an increased risk for broken hips. The vitamin D in cod liver oil helps build bone density in adolescents to lower the risk of osteoporosis and other bone related problems later in life. In a animal-based study, the effect of cod liver oil was investigated in the prevention of  bone loss in the ovariectomized female rats. One group of ovariectomized rats received an estrogen implantation at the time  of operation and the second group was supplemented orally with cod liver oil daily for eight weeks. It was found that estrogen implantation as well as cod liver oil supplementation in ovariectomized rats increased the calcium  level in femur. Therefore, cod liver oil may benefit postmenopausal women at risk of osteoporosis.


Cod liver oil has anti-inflammatory effects that help quell the inflammation of arthritis. Some researches have shown that cod liver oil may help with the symptoms of arthritis. Cod liver oil likely works in two different ways in preventing arthritis. It is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids and of vitamin D. These substances modify immune reactions in the body and help to prevent the body being attacked by itself in what is called an autoimmune reaction.

A pilot study studied the efficacy of cod liver oil supplements on symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Forty three participants with rheumatoid arthritis took 1g of cod liver oil daily for three months. Supplementation significantly reduced morning joint stiffness for 52 % of patients. Joint pain was reduced in 42% of patients and joint swelling was reduced in 40% of patients. Intensity of pain was reduced in 67.5% of patients. Results of the Cardiff study of 25 arthritis patients awaiting knee replacement surgery demonstrated that 86% of patients who took 2,000 mg of cod liver oil capsules daily had absent or significantly reduced levels of one of the enzymes that cause cartilage damage. Also, the result demonstrated a marked reduction in some of the enzymes that cause joint pain in those people taking the cod liver oil.“The data suggests cod liver oil has a dual mode of action, potentially slowing down the cartilage degeneration inherent in osteoarthritis, and also reducing factors that cause pain and inflammation,” Professor Bruce Caterson said.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most common prescribed medications worldwide. The most frequently known NSAIDs are ibuprofen and asprin. The ibuprofen and other NSAIDs prescribed to millions of patients each year have been linked to a range of adverse effects. A study reported in the March 2008 Rheumatology investigated the effectiveness of cod liver oil on reducing reliance on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Approximately 40 % of the patients in the cod liver oil group were able to wean themselves off of NSAIDs, compared to only 10% in the control group. Deficiency of vitamin D has been associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. A study at “Malmo University” found recently that babies that began breast feeding in hospital were more likely to suffer from rheumatoid arthritis later in life than babies that did not begin breast feeding in hospital and probably went on to bottle feeding.

•Heart Health

Cod liver oil significantly improves heart function. Pure cod liver oil is a important source of these Omega-3. Omega-3 exert a protective property on the heart, by making the heart cells that generate the electric impulses that cause the heart to beat less prone to developing abnormal rhythms. Several researches have showed that Omega-3 fatty acids can significantly reduce the mortality rate of people who have suffered heart attacks. Cod liver oil helps to reduce stickiness in the blood and  helps lower high triglyceride levels. Taking cod liver oil can reduce triglyceride levels by 20% to 50% in individuals with high triglyceride levels.

•Otitis Media

Otitis media (middle ear infection), is an infection of the middle ear common in younger children. In a study at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, researchers found that youngsters prone to otitis media had lower than normal levels of EPA, selenium and vitamin A. When they gave the youngsters cod liver oil, selenium, and a multivitamin, they found the children suffered fewer ear infections.“This study provides preliminary evidence that otitis media may be prevented and that the reliance on antibiotics may be reduced among young children by using nutritional supplements,” said Dr. Linday. The results were reported in the July 2002 edition of the Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology.


With respect to type 1 diabetes, cod liver oil has been shown to potentially lower the likelihood of developing the disease if taken within the first year of life. Studies conducted out by researchers in Norway showed that infants regularly given a spoonful of the oil during their first year were 25 % less likely to develop the disease.

•Cancer Prevention

Lab and animal studies and observational epidemiologic studies demonstrate that higher levels of vitamin D in the body may be linked to lower cancer risk. Higher vitamin D levels in the blood have been associated to lower risk for some types of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, reviewed this topic and concluded in a 2008 report that vitamin D may reduce risk of colorectal cancer. According to a 2009 study performed by Norwegian scientists and reported in the International Journal of Cancer, daily supplementation of cod liver oil associated with a higher survival rate among lung cancer patients and cancer patients with solid tumors. A population-based case-control study studied the correlation between vitamin D and breast cancer. Women with newly diagnosed invasive breast cancer and women without breast cancer participated in the study. Increasing sun exposure between ages 10 and 19 was associated with reduced breast cancer risk. Use of cod liver oil  and consumption of milk  were also correlated  with reduced breast cancer risk.

What is Vitex Used For?

Chasteberry (Latin Name Vitex agnus-castus) is the fruit of the chaste tree. Traditionally, this herb has been used to treat many hormone-related gynecologic conditions. Chasteberry works on the pituitary gland and hypothalamus by helping to increase the production of a hormone called lutene. Also, it  aids in the inhibition of the release of follicle-stimulating hormone.

What is Vitex Used For?

Vitex agnus-castus has been used widely in Europe for gynecologic conditions such as PMS (premenstrual syndrome), cyclical breast discomfort, menstrual cycle irregularities, and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. As chasteberry has the effect of stimulating and normalizing pituitary gland functions, especially its progesterone function, chasteberry may be especially beneficial in cases of low levels of progesterone during the luteal phase.

Chasteberry Benefits and Studies

Vitex agnus-castus, is usually used to regulate hormone production. Laboratory studies has shown that Vitex contains active hormones that are produced by the human body, such as progesterone, testosterone, and androstenedione. In studies in both lab animals and humans, Vitex has been found to alter the release of gonadotropins from the pituitary gland in the brain. Patients use Vitex agnus-castus for a variety of menstrual irregularities and fertility disorders; in Germany, doctors prescribe the herb for luteal phase disorders. The Commission E (Germany’s regulatory agency for herbs) approves the use of chasteberry for irregularities of the menstrual cycle, cyclical breast discomfort, and PMS.


In studies for the therapy of PMS, Vitex reduced some symptoms, particularly breast pain edema, constipation, irritability, headache, anger. and depressed mood. The amount in most of these  studies was 20 mg per day of a concentrated chasteberry extract for 3 menstrual cycles experience a important reduction in symptoms of PMS. Chasteberry should be taken for at least 4 cycles to determine efficacy.

PMSA study reported in the April 2000 edition of Journal of Women’s Health and Gender Based Medicine, scientists examined the effects of a Vitex agnus-castus extract on the symptoms of PMS. After taking the Vitex for 3 menstrual cycles, 93% of the women reported a reduction or cessation in their symptoms. A study reported in a 2001 edition of the “British Medical” Journal studied the effectiveness of Vitex for PMS symptoms such as irritability, breast tenderness and headaches. Women who took Vitex experienced a 52% decline in PMS symptoms compared to a 24% decline in the placebo group. A clinical trial found that women taking chasteberry had slightly greater relief from symptoms of PMS, than those taking vitamin B6. The 175 women were randomized to receive daily treatment with one standardized chasteberry extract capsule plus one placebo capsule  or two 100 mg capsules of vitamin B6. Duration of therapy was three menstrual cycles. In comparison with vitamin B6, chasteberry was linked with “a considerably more marked alleviation of typical PMS complaints, such as breast tenderness, edema, inner tension, headache, constipation, and depression.” Consequently, 77.1% of participants taking chasteberry reported improvements, compared to 60.6% of those in the vitamin B6 group. (Although women wishing to conceive were excluded at the beginning of the trial, 5 women taking chasteberry became pregnant during the course of the study).

In an  study, 36 participants with PMS who used 40 drops of Agnolyt® (a vitex extract) daily for 3 months noted reductions in breast tenderness, headaches, sweet cravings, fatigue,bloating, restlessness, nervousness, irritability, anxiety, lack of concentration, and depression. A study indicate chasteberry can be effective to treat PMS-induced migraines. Reported in a 2013 edition of Acta Neurologica Belgica, the study examined 100 women using 40 mg of chasteberry daily for 3 months for their migraines. 42% of subjects had a lessening in severity, duration and frequency of migraines. Two surveys evaluated 1,542 women with PMS who had taken a liquid extract of chasteberry for their PMS symptoms for as long as 16 years.  With an average intake of 42 drops per day, 92% of the women surveyed reported the efficacy of chasteberry  as “very good,”“good,” or “satisfactory.”


Vitex agnus-castus can help regulate your menstrual cycles and improve the balance between estrogen and progesterone. A 1993 study from Hamburg showed chasteberry helps reduce high prolactin levels, associated to women’s infertility. In a study, 48 women who were diagnosed with infertility took chasteberry once daily for 3 months. Seven women became pregnant during the trial, and 25 women experienced normalised progesterone levels. In a clinical trial, 18 women with abnormally low progesterone levels were given Vitex extract daily. After three months of therapy, 13 demonstrated increases in progesterone and 2 became pregnant. In  a study, 67 women with fertility or ovulatory disorders were given a chasteberry preparation, which resulted in a marked improvement of progesterone levels during the luteal phase, earlier ovulation, and 38 achieved pregnancies (Bergmann, 2000). In a clinical study, 52 women with menstrual cycle disturbances due to luteal phase defect and latent hyperprolactinemia received 20 mg daily of Strotan® (a vitex extract) or placebo for 3 months.  The participants the vitex group had a important  reduction  in prolactin release, normalization of a shortened luteal phase, normalization of luteal progesterone synthesis, and important reduction of their PMS symptoms compared to those receiving placebo.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome a condition associated with many cysts in the ovary or ovaries. It is the most common endocrine abnormality in women of reproductive age. Chasteberry is thought to act on the hypothalamus and pituitary glands by increasing LH (luteinizing hormone) production and slightly inhibiting the release of  FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). This increases the ratio of progesterone to oestrogen which is very helpful to women with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) as progesterone is usually always low in women with PCOS.


Breast pain, also known as mastalgia, is common and may include a dull ache, heaviness, tightness, a burning sensation in the breast tissue, or breast tenderness. Between 50% and 80% of women are estimated to have experienced mastalgia at some point in their life. There have been many therapies suggested for the management of mastalgia; one of these is the fruit extract of Vitex Agnus castus. Chasteberry (32.4 mg per day), in combination with some homeopathic remedies, has been found in a clinical trial to successfully treat breast tenderness.

In a prospective, multi-centre trial the benefit of Vitex in the management of cyclical mastalgia was studied in 50 patients with pre-menstrual syndrome. Forty-three participants were treated daily with Vitex during three menstrual cycles. By the end of the study period, cyclical mastalgia decreased significantly and a smaller degree of improvement  persisted even 3 months after cessation of the therapy. A large  study of 1634 women with cyclic mastalgia as part of their premenstrual syndrome showed that after 3 months of therapy, 80% of participants rated their response as a good and 81% rates it as a very good therapy for their mastalgia. Authors suggested that Vitex could be beneficial in the management of cyclical mastalgia.

Vitex was effective in controlling the symptoms of cyclical mastalgia in a randomized controlled trial, of 97 patients suffering from cyclical mastalgia. The intensity of mastalgia in participants treated with Vitex as measured by visual analogue score significantly decreased after one or two therapy cycles and remained reduced after third cycle. A randomized, placebo controlled trial and parallel group comparison was carried out in 170 women (mean age 36 years) who were given Vitex or placebo for three consecutive cycles. The improvement in breast pain was greater in the Vitex group (52%) compared with the placebo group (24%). The researchers concluded that Vitexs is an effective therapy for the relief of symptoms of mastalgia associated with premenstrual syndrome. The efficacy of Vitex for the therapy of cyclical mastalgia associated with premenstrual dysphoric disorder was compared with fluoxetine (SSRI), in a randomized study. Psychological symptoms improved in 68% of participants treated with Fluoxetine and mastalgia improved in 58% of participants treated with Vitex.


Vitex influences the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, and for this reason can help balance hormone fluctuations that are responsible for symptoms, including acne. In a trial, 117 women with four different types of acne were treated with a Vitex preparation for one-two years. Improvement was seen after six weeks and by 3 months, approximately 70% were free of acne.


Dosage of the fruit extract is 20 to 40 mg per day. Also tincture (35 to 45 drops, three times daily) and fluid extract (40 drops daily) have been used. The Commission E monograph recommends a daily intake (30–40 mg of the dried herb) in capsules or in liquid preparations. When  pregnancy is achieved, discontinue use of vitex-containing extracts. Vitex Agnus Castus is usually not recommended in pregnancy due to its unknown effects on the pituitary.

DHEA Benefits and Studies

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a naturally occurring steroid hormone produced in the adrenal gland, gonads and brain. The body uses DHEA to make estrogens and androgens. DHEA supplements can be made in the lab from chemicals found in wild yam and soy.  Since the body’s natural levels of DHEA generally begin to reduction after a person reaches 30 years of age. Individuals who are 70, tend to have DHEA levels approximately 80% lower than young adults.

DHEA Benefits and Researches

Low DHEA levels are correlated with depression and depressed mood. There is some early test findings that DHEA might improve mood and help depression. In a 6-week preliminary study, investigators from the “National Institute of Mental Health” found that therapy with DHEA supplements helped alleviate mild to moderate depression that occurs in some middle-aged people. The study also demonstrated significant improvements in sexual functioning scores in supplemented participants. Twenty-four healthy young men were given DHEA for 7 days; DHEA administration improved memory and mood. (Psychopharmacology. 2006 November). A clinical study performed by Dr. Samuel Yen and his associates in 1994 had important findings. At the end of the study period, 67% of the men and 82 % of the women reported an improvement in sleep, ability to cope with stress and basic well-being.

Addison’s Disease

Also called adrenal insufficiency, Addison’s disease is a rare disorder of the adrenal glands. It affects the production of 2 essential hormones called cortisol and aldosterone. DHEA is one of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands. With adrenal insufficiency, the adrenal glands do not make sufficient hormones, including DHEA and cortisol. Some researches indicate that DHEA may improve well-being, quality of life, exercise capacity, sex drive, and hormone levels in individuals with Addison’s disease. In a study, scientists from Germany W. Arlt et al. gave 50 mg doses or placebo to 24 women with adrenal insufficiency for 4 months. They found that blood levels of DHEAS and testosterone went up to normal. The DHEA improved sexual interest and satisfaction, and decreased anxiety and depression over the placebo group.

Erectile Dysfunction

DHEA improves erectile dysfunction because of its androgenic effects. In a 2000 study from Urology, scientists evaluated 442 men and found that DHEA levels were lower in those with erectile dysfunction until age 60. A clinical trial enrolled 40 men with erectile dysfunction who had low measured levels of DHEA. The results demonstrated that DHEA at a dose of 50 mg daily significantly healed sexual performance.

Menopausal Symptoms

DHEA may help replace hormones in postmenopausal women. The hormone DHEA has been found to help alleviate menopausal symptoms in women, as well as helping them improve their sex lives, Italian scientists wrote in the Climacteric, the peer-reviewed journal of the International Menopause Society. The findings of a twelve-week study involving postmenopausal women who were given daily doses of DHEA intravaginally demonstrated rapid and beneficial improvements in sexual function and vaginal atrophy, without changes in their serum sex steroid levels. In a study, DHEA has been given as a 10% cream for twelve months to fifteen 60-70 year old women.  A reduction in fat and an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in fasting glucose and insulin levels was noted.


Available findings show that DHEA improves ovarian function, increases pregnancy chances and, by reducing aneuploidy, lowers miscarriage rates. DHEA over time appears to objectively improve ovarian reserve. New animal data support androgens in promoting preantral follicle growth and reduction in follicle atresia. DHEA has been reported to improve pregnancy chances with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) and is utilized by almost one third of all IVF centers world-wide. A study reported in Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology found that DHEA supplement reduction the chances of miscarriage among women who had been diagnosed with decreased ovarian reserve. In 2010, scientists from Tel Aviv University performed the first controlled study of DHEA supplementation in women undergoing fertility therapy for poor ovulation. Prof. Adrian Shulman of Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine and the Meir Medical Center has found a statistical connection between the supplement DHEA, and successful pregnancy rates in women undergoing treatment for infertility. The treatment group, which consisted of 20 women, received 75mg of DHEA supplementation daily for 40 days before starting fertility therapy and continued for up to 5 months. The results demonstrated that the women who received DHEA supplements were three times more likely to conceive compared to the women who just received fertility therapy alone. “In the DHEA group, there was a 23% live birth rate as opposed to a 4% rate in the control group. We recommend that women try this DHEA treatment, in conjunction with fertility treatments, for four to five months,” explains Prof. Shulman.

Bone Health

DHEA increases bone health by improving mineralization to reduce fracture risk. DHEA therapy may help fight osteoporosis in women over 70 and is beneficial in preventing osteoporosis in women. Large statistical studies indicate a correlation between low DHEA levels and osteoporosis. A 2000 study showed improved bone turnover during a year-long study of daily 50 mg supplementation with DHEA. A clinical study of 50 mg per day of DHEA administered orally versus placebo for twelve months demonstrated improved hip BMD (bone mineral density) in older men and women with low DHEA-S (DHEA-S is the sulfated form of DHEA) levels, with additional improvements in spine BMD in women. Taking a DHEA supplement combined with calcium and vitamin D can significantly improve spinal bone density in older women, according to a research from a Saint Louis University scientists at Washington University. According to Edward Weiss, lead author of the study, patients who achieve similar increases of 2 to 4 % in spinal bone density with the help of medication experience a 30 to 50 % reduction in risk of spine fractures. Also, scientists say that the increase  in spinal bone density experienced by women in the test group who took DHEA for 2 years, is at least as efficacious as other current treatments including estrogen and bisphosphonates. Results were reported in the May 2009 edition of the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition“.


Low DHEA levels are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. A 1995 study by Herrington, reported at the “New York Academy of Sciences“, found significantly lower blood levels of DHEA in men who had blocked arteries. In a twelve year study of over 240 men aged 50 to 79 years, scientists found that DHEA levels were inversely correlated with mortality, both from heart disease and from all other causes. A 2009 study of 153 diabetic men with stable CHD (coronary heart disease) found that 77 percent were DHEA-S deficiency, significantly more than in healthy peers. A follow-up study demonstrated that the degree of development of atherosclerosis in 63 heart transplant patients was inversely correlate with DHEA levels. According to a research in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 25 mg per day of DHEA improves endothelial function. In a animal-based study; when scientists gave DHEA to rabbits with atherosclerotic arteries, the hormone produced a 50 % reduction in arterial plaques.

Brain Health

The new researches show that DHEA supplement may exert strong neuroprotective properties. Two large studies demonstrated that levels of DHEA-S in elderly people correlated significantly and positively with cognitive function. A study conducted in 2007 demonstrated that DHEA supplement of 150 mg twice daily improved memory recall and mood in healthy young men, particularly increasing activity in the hippocampus. Women with naturally higher levels of the hormone precursor DHEAS were found to have better cognitive function than women with lower levels, according to a study published  of the “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism”.

In a 2004 research on DHEA’s effects on the human nervous system, researchers found that DHEA both increased the amount of neurons produced by stem cells and increased cell division in the brain. DHEA levels in patients who have Alzheimer’s are much lower than in people who don’t have the disease. Some  evidence indicate a positive effect of DHEA supplement in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. In a clinical trial, patients who took 50 mg twice daily for 6 months had significantly better mental performance. Multi-infarct dementia is a form of dementia caused by a series of small strokes.
Patients with deterioration of mental functions resulting from multi-infarct dementia may have lower than normal dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) levels. In a preliminary study, intravenous injection of 200 mg per day of DHEAS for 4 weeks increased DHEAS levels and improved some aspects of mental function and performance of daily activities.

Immune System

Research has shown that low DHEA levels in the blood are associated a decline in immune competence. Oral and subcutaneous DHEA has been observed to protect rodents against the lethality of RNA and DNA viruses, and lethal bacterial infections. A study conducted by  researcher Samuel Yen of the “University of California“; After measuring baseline immune parameters in healthy older men, dr Yen give the men on a program of 50 mg of DHEA per day. After twenty weeks, the men demonstrated important improvement in all markers of immune function, including an average of 45% increases in monocytes, 29 % increases in antibody-making B lymphocytes, 20 % increases in T lymphocyte activation, and 22 to 37% increases in NK (natural killer) cells.

A clinical trial, of healthy, nonsmoking men in their 50s & 60s taking 50 mg of DHEA daily demonstrated rejuvenation of the immune system by increased secretion of the cytokine  IL-2 (InterLeukin-2), which is a strong T-cell growth factor. Elderly individuals usually fail to develop sufficient antibody response to vaccination. A study in elderly people demonstrated that 100 mg a day of DHEA markedly enhanced the antibody response to the influenza vaccine. A new study found a potent inverse correlation between human serum DHEA-S levels and  IL-6 (interleukin 6) levels. High interleukin 6 levels are implicated as a causal factor in many diseases, such as osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease and  atherosclerosis.After studying 120 healthy human participants 15-75 years of age, RH Straub and colleagues concluded: “decreased DHEA serum concentrations during aging or inflammatory diseases will be paralleled by a significant increase in IL-6 production. Thus, we conclude that the decrease in DHEA levels is a deleterious process, in particular during chronic inflammatory diseases.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Low blood levels of the hormone DHEA and the related compound DHEA-sulfate have been correlated  with more severe symptoms in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Suppression of  IL-6  with 200 mg a day of DHEA was shown to be effective against SLE. Scientists at Stanford University gave DHEA to 57 women with lupus. Approximately two-thirds of the women reported some reduction of their symptoms, including reduced frequency and severity of joint pain, rashes, fatigue and headaches. A 12-month, clinical study of 381 women with mild or moderate lupus investigated the effects of DHEA at a dose of 200 mg daily.  While patients in both treatment and placebo groups improved DHEA was more effective, reducing many symptoms of the disease. In another study of 120 women with SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus), use of  DHEA at a dose of 200 mg daily significantly decreased symptoms and reduced the frequency of disease flare-ups. A 2007 review of all published studies found that use of DHEA may meaningfully improve quality of life in the short term for patients with lupus.

Ulcerative Colitis

DHEA levels appear to be low in patients with ulcerative colitis. In a study 6 of 13 patients with ulcerative colitis went into remission after taking 200 mg per day of DHEA for 8 weeks.

Crohn’s Disease

DHEA is low in people with Crohn’s Disease. In a clinical trial, 6 of 7 patients with Crohn’s disease went into remission after taking DHEA for 8 weeks.


The normal recommended daily dose range is 10 to 50 mg for women, 25 to 100 mg for men. Women usually need less DHEA than men. Since blood levels of DHEA are highest in the morning, supplement DHEA should be taken in the morning, to follow the body’s natural rhythm. Controlled studies lasting between 6 months and a year at doses ranging from 25 to 200 milligrams daily have shown DHEA to be safe. Your physician can determine whether your DHEA levels are low (less than 180 mg/dl in men and less than 130 mg/dl in women). Individuals under 40 shouldn’t take DHEA unless they have low levels as determined by their physicians. DHEA supplements should be avoided in women and men who have had cancer or who have a potent family history of cancer until further research can establish whether or not it is safe for these people.